
  1. Polypterus_36

    Polypterus congicus Growth Rate (The Giant Bichir)/Any Other Polypterus congicus Growth Stories?

    A good example on the growth rate of Polypterus congicus: Polypterus congicus is recognized as the largest known Polypterus species. The largest wild-caught specimens have been found at 42 inches in length. Their massive size also reflects on their growth rate. These fish are extremely fast...
  2. Ashan Kavinda

    My 180 Gallons Tank

  3. K

    Polypterus congicus or endli ID Help

    Hi guys, I need some help with the ID of this bichir. Listed for sale as congicus, would appreciate any advice on the identification, thanks in advance. Cheers!
  4. Ashan Kavinda

    Polypterus Congicus / Congo Bichir

    Some detailed pics of my WC Congicus 35cm+ ???? For more follow -
  5. Ashan Kavinda

    Bichir Congo (Polypterus congicus)

    Its Happy to say that this image is officially posted on Facebook & instagram pages before i post it here !! ???? follow below for more pics
  6. C

    Poly ID please

    Looking for an ID for this poly of mine. I have my thoughts but am more interested in everyone else's take. I got it from an LFS at 3" about a years ago. Sold as an endli. Its about 12-13" now. Thanks!
  7. Troy1015

    Troy1015 Poly Thread

    Hopefully I can chronicle my poly and enjoy sharing with you. Been back in the hobby for almost a year now and have went through many buy and sell and am settling in on a pretty permanent long term set up with a few more pieces to add over the next few months or hopefully by end of the year...
  8. Z

    I need some info on the captivity for a future tank

    I am thinking of building my dad a tank between 300g-500g for his next birthday. I want to add 1 or 2 bichirs though debating on the species I hear they grow about a ft less in captivity though I am worried about how wide I could build the tank/length, as wide as I could build would have to be...
  9. the fine flip

    The lovely Congicus

    Just sharing some pics of the Congi. It is in a 340 gallon tank and is shares it with a small Endli, a Senegal, Delhezi, Polli, and another Congicus