
  1. M

    Oscar lethargic, not eating, slightly bloated. Need help diagnosing and treating

    I have a ~10 inch Oscar (6yrs old) that has been in excellent health forever. Over the past few weeks he has gradually become more lethargic and in the past week he has stopped eating any food and barely moves. I do weekly water changes of ~25% and have not changed anything in the aquarium. He...
  2. B

    Bichir not eating 4 days after eating bloodworms

    I fed my bichir frozen bloodworms 4 days ago and it hasn’t eaten ever since. Is it possible the bloodworms can cause constipation this long?
  3. B

    Blackworms constipation?

    I've read here and there about possible constipation from bloodworms because they have an exoskeleton. Is this actually true? I was also wondering if anyone knows if FD blackworms can cause constipation as well?
  4. B

    Oscar parasites or constipation?

    I recently got an Oscar at a box pet store and from the day I brought him home his uhhh fishy butt has been swollen and he has white poop, not stringy. He’s in a 20g quarantine tank, daily water changes ammonia & nitrites are 0 and nitrate is pretty dang close to 0 with the daily changes. I’m...
  5. Bubbles_n_worms

    Bloat clown loach

    My youngest clown loach who is in my 20 gallon grow out tank became very suddenly bloated. I read about eye issues look at pic please tell me if they look ok. The tank mates are 1 juvenile arowana (lost sac 2 weeks ago), 2 honey gourami 1/2", 1 sword tail Molly adult, 1 juvenile skunk botia, 1...