
  1. B

    Are pellets cooked or raw? (eg: Massivore, NLS, Omega One)

    Does anyone know if these pellets are cooked or contain cooked ingredients? or go through a heating process?
  2. B

    Are pellets cooked or raw? (eg. massivore, NLS, Omega One)

    Just wondering if anyone knows if these pellets are cooked, or contain cooked ingredients? or go through a heat process? if so, how do you know? The reason I ask is because thiaminase found in shrimp and herring is destroyed by heat. Omega One contains whole shrimp but does not have Vitamin B1...
  3. B

    Can Bichirs eat plain cooked fish/squid?

    I've read people feeding them cooked mussels and cooked shrimp...does anyone with research or experience know if why or why not it's okay?