cycle problem

  1. TheTerminutter

    Ammonia still in water after cycling

    75 gallon Fx6 filter One 5 inch ranchu goldfish I put biomedia from a cycled filter to the fx6, running it for 14 days in the cycled tank. I moved the fx6 to the 75 gallon. After 7 days i tested the parameters before a water change. Ammonia: .25 ppm The tap water had 0 ammonia. I admit ive...
  2. MetalRavioli

    Dying with Cycling here!

    Hey y’all! im having some trouble with my cycling here. I was doing great, ammonia was going from 2 to 0 within 2 days. However, I was over 100 nitrates, so I decided to do a water change, and for some reason thought it would be a good idea to add more ammonia than I usually do. Now (even after...
  3. MetalRavioli

    Cycling help!

    Hello friends! So, the time has finally come for me to cycle my 90-gallon tank. I currently have a senegal bichir, a leopard bush fish, and 6 keyhole cichlids on hold for me at my LFS. All of them are very little. Today I finally finished getting the tank full filtered, I’m using an FX6 fluval...
  4. M

    Cichlids keep dying after around 2 weeks

    I've had this 65 gallon aquarium for over a year and haven't been able to keep any fish alive for more than 2weeks except for my striped Raphael Catfish and mystery snail. Water temp is at 79, pH is 7.7, nitrates around 20, nitrites 0, KH 40, GH 60 and ammonia between 0 and 0.25. I have one...
  5. N

    Cycling with bacteria question

    Hi, I'm trying to cycle my tank with Dr. Tim's One and Only. I used an 8 oz bottle (entire bottle, shaken and inverted) for a 20g bare bottom tank. There is a lot of sediment at the bottom now. Is this normal? Can it harm fish? If I remove the sediment, will that slow the cycling process...
  6. K

    Crashed My Tank!

    So I did a big no no..I decided I wanted to go to a bare bottom tank and removed all my gravel. I had plants and driftwood and replaced my 2 filters. Well I apparently got rid of a lot of my good bacteria because I had a bacteria bloom and the water got really cloudy. I did a 50% water change...
  7. VRWC

    240G with 75 sump, WHY do I still have high nitrates?

    Hey everyone...Im perplexed and need some help. I have what I feel is more than adequate filtration, flow etc on a yr old established tank and Im still reading what I consider high nitrates for such small stock & large water column. I havent tested the water directly after a change (I will...