cycling help

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. MetalRavioli

    Dying with Cycling here!

    Hey y’all! im having some trouble with my cycling here. I was doing great, ammonia was going from 2 to 0 within 2 days. However, I was over 100 nitrates, so I decided to do a water change, and for some reason thought it would be a good idea to add more ammonia than I usually do. Now (even after...
  2. MetalRavioli

    Cycling help!

    Hello friends! So, the time has finally come for me to cycle my 90-gallon tank. I currently have a senegal bichir, a leopard bush fish, and 6 keyhole cichlids on hold for me at my LFS. All of them are very little. Today I finally finished getting the tank full filtered, I’m using an FX6 fluval...
  3. gordoncheers

    Bacteria In A Bottle For Larger Tanks

    hello does anyone have experience on using bacteria in a bottle on larger tanks (300-500 gallons) if so how did it go?
  4. N

    Tank ready for pleco???

    Originally posted under setup I need help with upgrading the tank for my 15” pleco and his goldfish pal. tank is cycled (I think) but I’m thinking a tank to tank move- please read the thread here and give me suggestions...
  5. N

    Possible to cycle too long?

    We started out our cycle trying to transfer some good bacteria from our old tank the filter media and a little old gravel then added ammonia. The gravel is planned to be removed to go for a more natural river rock bottom. The ammonia was too high, ph was too high, we then switched tactics and...
  6. xDestro

    Is my tank somehow cycled

    I have a 20L set up just sitting with eco complete, a piece of driftwood and matten filter for quite a while, 2 weeks ago I put a small delhezi bichir in there and added some water from another tank temporarily until I could transfer media, well the bichir died next day, today I noticed a bit of...
  7. xDestro

    Is my tank cycled

    I was given around a dozen platies roughly 3 weeks ago to help cycle my 55 gallon tank, throughout those weeks I tested my water every other day or so and I cleaned the gravel and did small water changes to keep my nitrites low enough to not kill my fish, today my nitrites dropped pretty damn...
  8. R

    Freshly sealed 265 gallon

    Ok just sealed my 265 and day by day i have added water and it is now full. I am planning on waiting a few days before i drain it (a few times) so that all toxins are gone. So now my question is if cycling it in my way will be good enough or should i do this dropping ammonia in it and watching...
  9. M

    Is my fish tank cycled?

    Hello all, i have a 4 foot fish tank (48 gallons) that I've been cycling for peacock cichlids for about a week now. The water test strip shows as follows: 120 GH ppm (mg/l) 120 KH ppm (mg/l) 7.5 - 8.00 PH (The colours almost in-between, leaning to 8.00) 0.5 NO2- NITRITE ppm (mg/l) 20 - 30...