
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. mybirthdateisfake

    Prove my dad wrong on oscars

    I had a 10in oscar which was originally in a 30gal grow out for my 400gal pond. Today it took enough attacks from my jag in the pond and died. My dad blames me for putting the oscar out the 30gal while I obviously, just tried to do the best for it. I've already told my dad to add structures to...
  2. E

    Mystery bichir death

    Hi folks. I realize I can't get an exact diagnosis but my P. senegalus died the other day with no warning and I thought maybe you could help me brainstorm some possible causes I could research further. I've had her for around 6 or 7 years, maybe more, and she's been in a 75g tank with four...
  3. D

    Common Arowana cause of Death

    Just wanna make a thread about the most common causes for an Arowana's death in an aquarium. So I can avoid it haha. ps. I'm new to arowana keeping.
  4. MooseTheWizard

    Lost two overnight, trying to figure out why (dead bichir pics inside)

    I lost two bichirs last night, both of which have been in a long established aquarium since July of this year. The other 3 bichirs in the tank are doing fine so far. I found them dead about 20 min ago. Last night I did their normal ~70% water change, and fed the same food I always feed them...
  5. M

    Cichlids keep dying after around 2 weeks

    I've had this 65 gallon aquarium for over a year and haven't been able to keep any fish alive for more than 2weeks except for my striped Raphael Catfish and mystery snail. Water temp is at 79, pH is 7.7, nitrates around 20, nitrites 0, KH 40, GH 60 and ammonia between 0 and 0.25. I have one...
  6. Zak03

    Confused about Oscar death?

    So, I've had this red oscar for a few months. Since around the beginning of December. This dude was a beast of a fish. He was a juvenile. He has lived through an ich infestation, lived in a tank while it was being cycled, and has outlived two other juvenile tiger Oscars. He's never shown any...
  7. KelberiFishLover19


    He guys so about a month and a half ago I set up a 55 gallon tank for a good friend of mine. I had a high budget so I decided I was going to make it a super nice tank. His only suggestion was that he wanted sand. Everything else was up to me. So I got some stone hinge and a nice Fluval FX4...
  8. Dennis Kraemer

    New Tank Syndrome???

    I just started a 75 gallon at my new house and put de chlorinator in it, declouder ( because I thought the sand was kicked up), and the api stuff so you don’t have to wait 6 weeks for the cycle. Put my fish in last night checked it this morning they are all dead... what did I do wrong, when can...
  9. P

    Guppies keep dying-help!

    Hi all, I'm new to this fish keeping lark. We got a tank and added 6 endlers guppies a few days after getting it, as suggested by the pet shop. The fish died within 20 hours. The water tests showed raised nitrate only. We left it for a week before checking the levels again and adding another 6...
  10. N

    65 Litre tank - 24 hour deaths

    Hi all. In my tank I have 4 neon tetras, 4 other tetras and a siemese fighting fish. But anything else we add, will start dying in 24 hours. We have lost 3 X golden suckers, 2 X Bristol Nose, 4 X different types of shark & 4 X very vibrant orange fish and more. 25c water, most test come up...
  11. S

    Arrowana ate rubber band!!!

    So I just finished feeding, arrowana has a belly full of crickets + A DAMN RUBBER BAND Small one for bags from lfs. Arrowana is about 10” I know he ate it for sure!!! What should I do? And if at all will it pass eventually or is this a death sentence????? Super sad right now
  12. Reaperxvii

    125 Gallon Peacock Tank Deaths

    Hey guys, so long story short in my 2 month old peacock tank Im loosing nearly a fish every other day, water parameters are good. I added 18 1-1.5in assorted peacock when I first got the tank, all was well up through the cycling period. Once Nitrates were there and nitrites and ammonia were gone...
  13. pescado209

    lowes quikrete play sand toxic?

    I finished rinsing lowes quickrete play sand in the 40g. added in my 5 roseline sharks and 9 clown loaches from my quarantine tank, they have been in there for 3 weeks 20 minutes later I go check up on them and the 2 roselines are floating . I quickly remove them all and put them into my...
  14. D

    Back to back dead plecos.

    Hello all, I recently lost both of my plecos. Within 3 days of each other. I removed the bodies immediately. I can't figure out what killed them. Thier tankmates are 4 baby angels (1.5 inches), two baby ornate bichirs (2.5 inches), a baby black ghost knife (2 inches), and baby five clown loaches...
  15. S

    Unknown Death

    Hello, I am only 16 years old so please don't get mad at me if I made any obvious mistakes or anything like that please. What Happened Around a week and a half ago, I ordered 6 Electric Blue Acaras, 2 Firemouths, and 2 Plecos...
  16. xDestro

    Random cory deaths?

    Over the past 2 weeks iv lost 3 juli corys, my water perameters are perfectly fine, keeping up with water changes, all other fish are doing great so any ideas? Maybe it's time to clean my filter? Maybe they get scrapes from my gravel? ( ik I should have sand with corys newbie mistake) ik fish...
  17. Racersk

    Goodbye old friend...

    Its been at LEAST 8 years since I took in this monster. He/she is an albino oscar. Tough as nails and hardy! 8 YEARS! 12.5" now and on *her* last legs of this journey known as life. Lost an eye and battled to be the master of her domain against any fish that dare to enter her space...
  18. Angelphish


    I returned from my lfs with an Angelfish a couple days ago. The fish looked fine, it had good colors, and it was pretty active. A couple hours after acclimated the fish, I noticed it had a cloudy eye. At this point I should have moved it to my QT tank, but it wasn't running. Instead of doing...