dinosaur bichir

  1. I

    Help please!

    Hello everyone! My name is mia and i'm 15 years old. I registered on here because I needed advice from others who are more experienced than me! I am not very huge on fish myself but my father is. He is very passionate about his fish tank but lately one of his dinosaur eel (I think that's the...
  2. M

    Help determine the sex of a dinosaur bichir

    Good morning, my husband and I would like others opinions on whether our dinosaur is a male or female. I appreciate the help.
  3. AquariumExpert

    Dinosaur Bichir trouble

    My dinosaur Bichir recently swallowed a rock yesterday. It’s a small but noticeable lump in his abdomen. He is currently about 8 inches long and the width of my pointer finger. Should I wait to see what he does with it and if he spits it out? Or should I take action and if so what should that...
  4. D

    Bichir found dead w/ pics

    I have a 125 gallon tank for about 4 months now and haven’t had too many problems after a month in. Today I fed them as i usually do flakes, pellets and some live minnows. Often ill substitute flakes and pellets w blood worms and brine shrimp. I came home an hour later to my bichir upside down...
  5. Ricardo quezada

    Inactive barred bichir

    Is there a way to make them more active? They just stay at the bottom of the tank and don't do much. They are juveniles about an inch in length. Water conditions are fine. Living with plecos and feeder guppies. TEMPORARY HOUSING . Eventually moving to soemthing large with other predator fish. I...
  6. M

    How to care for my dinosaur bichir?

    So I've had this fish for maybe 6 years (I was ten when I got it) and I've had no clue how to raise this fish. I bought it from Petsmart and they told me to just feed him bloodworms every other day. I'd like to know what a dinosaur bichir needs and all, since I wasn't given any info about it...
  7. M

    About my Dinosaur Bichir

    So I've had my bichir since I was 10 (I'm16 now) and I'm sure I'm caring for him very wrong. I got him from oetsmart along with a bunch of other fish and they just handed him/her to me and told me to just feed him bloodworms every other day. And so I did as he/she got bigger, he/she started...
  8. C

    Can you Keep Kribensis and Geophagus together?

    I've been trying to figure out my last fish for my tank. I want a easy breeding pair of Cichlids, but my tank has South American Geophagus while the Kribensis I am currently looking to get are West African. I've seen people on Youtube keep them together but i do not know if its wise. All i want...
  9. C

    I'm wondering if Threadfin Acara (Acarichthys heckelii) is good to mix with my other tank mates???

    I'm wondering if two 3 inch Threadfin Acaras (Acarichthys heckelii) are a good mix with my other tank mates. I have two 3 inch Leopard Bushfish (Ctenopoma acutirostre) Which are my favorites. Also have a 3 inch Pink Tail Chalceus (Chalceus macrolepidotus,) a 2 inch Dinosaur Bichir (Polypterus...