
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. O

    Dat disease or just a scrape?

  2. E

    Geophagus is spinning out of control. Help!

    Hi everyone, I’m reaching out for help with a strange case involving one of my Geophagus sveni. For context, I recently moved across the state for college and brought my fish with me. My breeding colony of G. sveni was temporarily moved from their 180-gallon tank to a 75-gallon holding tank...
  3. F

    Oscar fish swim bladder disease.. Urgent.. please help :(

    What should I do guys? My ~8yo Oscar fish seems to have some type of swim bladder issue? I tried treating the tank with aquarium salt and metro and there's really no improvement. Any suggestions? I fear his days are limited at this point... I can't attach a video but he essentially just swims...
  4. C

    Need some help! is this some kind of fungus and how to treat

    I had notice my Lapradei had this white stuff on its body a few days ago. i only did 50% water change and add some salt.. Does anyone have any suggestions to solve this issue? or what should I to medicate with?
  5. B

    My Bichir has a small white spot

    I came home today and noticed that my bichir had a small white spot on his side. He does have two small plecos in a tank with him, but they have never shown any signs of eating his slime coat. I am planning of doing a 50% water change tomorrow when I get home. Its current take mates are a large...
  6. odsrandy

    Injury or Something Else on Hump?

    Hey All! Been a very long time since I've been on MFK. Happy to be back. My Petco flowerhorn, Kevin, recently had this dark spot appear on his head. Does this look like an injury or something else? I just wanna make sure he's ok. He's acting 100% normal, I'm just being a worried keeper haha...
  7. A

    Need Help

    This morning I woke up and my peacock bass was a goner. The past week I have been treating for ick. i firsted noticed the ick on my shovel nose/rt hybrid which soon spread through the tank. within 2-3 days all ick had clear up from fish and they looked great. This morning I go downstairs and my...

    Is this HITH (Hole in the head disease)?

    Hi guys, I've noticed these small circular clusters in my recently purchased Ray pup (it's 4.5"-5" in size) they are around it's eyes and down its body I'm suspecting it's HITH (hole in the head disease). Is this HITH ? I have already treated with Metronidazole for 3 days just as a quarantine...
  9. A

    Sick betta, anchor worm management

    Hello! Recently my betta (Monet) has been lethargic, hanging out at the bottom, propping herself up on gravel, not interested in doing much of anything. She'll eat at food when it's near her, but will hardly bother to come to the top for it. I've checked her over and she's breathing slowly, in a...
  10. M

    Red Borneo Giant Gourami with a wound

    Hello! I have had the Red Borneo GG for about 5 months now, around 2 weeks ago these 2 wounds popped up out of the blue and have only seemingly eroded further even with meds and good quality water (<20 ppm nitrate, 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 7.4-7.6 PH, low to moderate hardness). Weekly water...
  11. N

    Rays are acting off after about a week with me!?

    Hello, So I recently got 2 BD stingrays, they've been doing fine for a week, and a week ago one started to lift its nose and then bulk up and kinda arching its back up, it circles and looks distressed. Also looks like its rubbing up against the airatsone when it circles around itself. I've...
  12. E

    Longterm Oscar bloat - what can be done?

    I have a Oscar fish who has gotten pretty bloated as of the last month. He behaves normally, eats normally, etc. Today he was very sluggish, but ate normally yesterday. Fasting did not result in bloating going away, tried this for 4 days without food, then a week at 30% feedings, and then 70%...
  13. C

    PLEASE HELP! Purchased new Mbuna - Is this Fish Tuberculosis!?!?

    Hello everyone, I am in desperate need of your opinions. I have been planning a new display tank. I purchased the fish for it from Tampa Bay Cichlids. Acei, Rustys, and Maingano Received the fish earlier today and put them in the quarantine tank. Everyone appears healthy aside from a couple...
  14. hproxy07

    Oscar fish white patches

    hello, this white patch underneath my oscar wasn't here yesterday. may i know what this is and how to treat it? i also noticed a few small patches on it's side.
  15. djsaltynuts

    Mudskipper diseases

    Hey i was looking to gather any information on illnesses in mudskippers. I know that theyre very resistant to illness and poor water quality and waa wondering if they were affected by standard fish diseases. Anyone whos had a mudskipper id be interested to hear if you dealt with any diseases...
  16. D

    Ethical Considerations

    Hi all, First post so if I break some rules here, I apologize for that. However I have been keeping fish for several years and like to think I'm not completely stupid. Anyways- I have a female Red festae (terror) that I have quarantined into a 15 gallon hospital tank for a duck lips...
  17. O

    Mystery Angelfish Disease

    Long post ahead! But any help is greatly appreciated because I seriously have no idea what to do at this point. My brother and I are both having problems with some newly bought juvenile angelfish. He has 8 (4 from person A, 4 from Person B). I have 9 (4 from Person A, 5 from Person B) in our...
  18. C

    Fish with ich

    So I just ordered some blood parrots online and they showed up with ich. I have them in my quarantine tank and I’m thinking of doing the heat and salt treatment for them. I have successfully used copper treatment in the past but I would like to try a different treatment method this time I worry...
  19. Beau_kirch

    My Saratoga is sick…. Pls help!

    Hey guys, my Saratoga has been lethargic for a few days, as soon as I noticed it I checked and the ammonia was high, I assumed it was ammonia burn based off of what I’ve read, it’s just odd that none of the other, less hardy fish didn’t get affected, he’s been floating at the surface with...
  20. C

    Help with white spots on my Oscar’s eye!

    So for the last 2 weeks I have been battling ick in my tank which I have been treating with copper and I have finally got to a point where there are almost no spots left on any of the fish except I’m noticing now white spots on my Oscar’s eye. initially there were white spots all over their...