
  1. R

    NTT brown shades in body.

    My NTT Datnoid fish suddenly seems to have brown shades all over the body, i know it changes color when stressed but this seems to be unusual what maybe the issue and how to recover it??
  2. L

    Discus is floating!

    Woke up this morning and my discus was floating sideways in the top of the tank, I tapped the glass and it shot down but was visibly struggling not to float up, Ive already done half the research just want to verify what I am doing so far is right. I googled the symptoms which were the floating...
  3. E

    Help! Fish dying and I don’t know why!

    I’ve been keeping fish for a while and have kept pretty much everything under the sun yet I have no clue what’s going on in my 75 gallon biotope. About 2 weeks ago I lost three juvenile red head tapajos each 2 days apart from eachother, all eating well, fully colored up, healthy looking fish...
  4. Katie Phillips

    What is this white mucus on my Angelfish?

    I noticed a white scrape-like thing right above my angelfish mouth one day. It was small, so I thought maybe she scraped herself on something and didn't really think anything of it, but the next day it became this white mucus and became more extensive, and her eyes became cloudy. I also noticed...
  5. B

    Peacock bass.... Really Urgent

    I have 4 peacock bass in my 5x2x2 tank..... Its been 1year, these guys never shown any abnormal behaviour or feeding delays...... Suddenly two of the basses, losts its appetite.... i was waiting for 15days till now.... trying with metrogyl 400mg (3days course).... this is my second day...
  6. I

    Green severum bacterial infection?

    Hey guys. I have had this green severum for a pretty long time and over the last few months it has developed these torn up lips along with a singular ich like spot on the tip of its fin. It has been exactly like this for months, so that means through various types medications such as paraguard...
  7. deradlerskartal

    Fly River Turtle disease id pls

    Hey, I adopted a FRT 15 days ago. Then I relised some wounds on his bottom shell and brown spots on her nape. I cannot capture spots on nape it but bottom is; General tank setup; there is a wound on her nape seems brown not like gray own her normal skin. BTW I started to use UV on filter...
  8. Tyson Dreha

    White growth on angelfish chin!!

    Hi gang. Ive been in the hobby for close to a year now, and have just noticed one of my blue zebra angelfish has a white spot on its chin that protrudes a few mill of with a red base. It looks like a white head or pimple as apposed to ick. I added rainbows and then noticed the spot and thought...