diy stand

  1. Aqua Nut

    DIY Wheelchair Accessible Aquarium Fish Tank Stand

    The fish keeping community has so many amazing people part of it and it's always appreciated when others give back and help others out. Today we show you a DIY aquarium fish tank stand built by Brian, from Brian's Aquatics, designed to be accessible to those with limited mobility. What he did...
  2. wfex4

    155 Bowfront Stand

    I was able to pick up two 155 bowfront aquariums over the last few weeks and need to build some sturdy and reliable alternatives to the factory stands they came on. One is drilled in both corners and the other is not, but I plan to run a sump on both of them in the long term. As these will be...
  3. R

    Upgrading my lungfish tank! Posting my photos here. Advice and suggestions are more than welcome

    I bought my African lungfish from a pets tore I worked at, he was so small compared to him now. I got him at 7 inches, and he has doubled I size and weight! Currently he is in a 29 gallon breeder (36 * 12 * 12), I know it's way too small for him. So I went and bought 90 gallon setup, for a...
  4. V

    Tank Leveling Gap HELP!! Please

    I am currently trying to set up a 125 gallon tank in my fish room. My son made the stand for me (with a tiny bit of my help), and when we finally got it in my fish room we were both amazed at how level it appeared to be. We set the tank on top, and I noticed gaps between the tank and the stand...