
  1. islandguy11

    The benefits of having a small kok...

    For humans, not many...but for Flowerhorns it means even if you're ~11" you can still.... easily do 360 loop to loops... ....and the 'You're killing me!' move when your owner tells stupid jokes. And perhaps most important, your FH can swim faster when being chased by dragons...
  2. islandguy11

    Happy 1st Anniversary Drakaris!

    Well Drakaris has been with me 1 year now (actually last month), which makes him ~1 yr, 8 mo old. He's now @ 11 in., I reckon he'll get to 12 in. within next 6 months. But to celebrate his 1st year (and to make moving to our new (rented) house easier), I had a custom tank made up for him. He...