dream fish

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. amazontank

    New Gulper Catfish

    I am so happy to say I finally got a Gulper Catfish! He's a little over 6" and just ate a big nightcrawler. I am really loving this guy. Who has the biggest Gulper on mfk? Would love to see some pics and some stories...
  2. Hybridfish7

    What is your dream fish? (that you most likely can't get)

    I like a lot of fish. Just making this post to see what other people like. Me- my dream fish (or top 5) would be: 1. a pond of butterfly koi (to me they look like dragons with their whiskers and long flowing fins) 2. broadtail ryukin (I love them, they're adorable, but I already have plans for a...