drift wood

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. M

    For Sale Large Driftwood Pieces

    I have some beautiful driftwood pieces available. Large Spiderwood Piece- 50”- $300 Malaysian wood center piece- 26”- $200 Malaysian wood two pieces- 48”- $100 can ship nationwide with UPS ground. Would need a zip code to get shipping quote.
  2. CYBR

    For Sale Ghost wood

    It’s in a 90 gallon 4ft length and about 22-24 inches in height $50 bucks
  3. koizilla714

    For Sale Driftwoods

    Selling these driftwoods that are just sitting in the storage, Hmu if interested. 714-six8six-5six5six I could deliver as long as its in OC and you’re 100% buying it. $170 if you buy all OBO $170 if bought all $50 this can stand by itself $50 this is can stand by itself (back view)...
  4. -603FiShHoBbIeSt-

    Red Oscar update

    Well plans have changed a little with the trio of oscars I have. Today I got rid of 11 fish which cut the bio load I had in half leaving me with 8 fish, I did a large water change and then got things back to normal. I have been housing 3 oscars temporarily in a 20 gallon long set up as a lot...
  5. T

    Hide ideas for my new 400g

    Hey guys! So I just recently moved and set up my 400gallon tank in my new home. It’s 8 foot wide 2 foot 3 deep and 2 foot tall.. and succefully moved all my fish from the 120gal... I dropped a bichir but he’s fine :o . I transferred the canister with them and slowly acclimated them so the tank...
  6. -603FiShHoBbIeSt-

    Anubias plant

    Hello everyone, I'm, looking to add a species of Anubias to my 125 gallon setup, I'm thinking of going with Anubias Nana, whats everyone's favorite type of Anubias or suggestion ?