
  1. L

    (seemingly) random occurences of dropsy

    Howdy y'all, I have a 20 gallon (long) that had been housing a group of orange von Rio tetras, a couple shultezei midnight corydoras, and a golden gourami. Suddenly, I noticed that the gourami was having a lot of trouble swimming, having to actively point up to get air and survive. Sadly he...
  2. MetalRavioli

    Is it Time?

    Hey MFK I have a keyhole cichlids whos around a year old, ever since I purchased him with my five others he hasn't grown much and has been at the bottom of the pecking order. Recently he hasn't even been eating, so I moved him to a separate tank so he could eat without getting bullied. However...
  3. S

    Is my flowerhorn bloated? Please help!

    My flowerhorn still eats normally and swims normally as well. His belly just looks huge to me and I'm worried because he's my baby! Raised him from a fry. I did an epsom salt bath today for 10 minutes (that was about 4 hours ago) but nothing changed yet. He has a 75 gallon tank by himself (the...
  4. C

    HELP! BGK Dropsy??

    I had an injured BGK which I posted a thread in fish lore about around 2 weeks ago but no one had any idea how to treat it, so I just did more water changes to keep the water clean and so far the wounds on the Bgk has been recovering fine. But recently I realised that it had scales flipped...
  5. B

    Do you need to disinfect tank that held sick fish?

    A fish with dropsy died in my 20 gallon tank about 6 months to a year ago. I emptied the tank right after the fish's death. The tank's been sitting in my garage and has dried up a long time ago. Do I need to disinfect the sand and tank to use right now? If so, how would I disinfect the sand?
  6. P

    Dropsy in Platy

    Hey, does it look like my platy has severe dropsy? His scales have been sticking out for a couple of days now, and a couple days ago he wasnt moving at all and wouldnt go after food. However, his tailfin started to rot, but he is now eating and swimming around more. Not like he used to when he...
  7. E

    Betta dropsy

    Someone please help me! I recently found out my beautiful betta has dropsy and I don't know how to help him. I have bought melafix and I am adding that in the tank but it doesn't seem to be making a difference. does anyone know what else I can do to save his life? it is definitely dropsy as his...
  8. O

    Serious issues going on.. SOS

    I'll try to make this quick and as to the point as possible.. Recently moved my well established 90g back into my house. Was so excited about having it back in my possession, that I got excited and went and bought 3 opaline gouramis and two small clown loaches to add to the larger 4 I already...
  9. Alligator head


    Is there any sign of dropsy?
  10. C

    L029 Vampire Pleco mystery alement - Plausable Dropsy?

    My vampire Pleco has been nothing but healthy over the past year, but this morning I went to work after feeding him. I came home, and I noticed the food was not eaten. I looked for him, and as usual he was in his castle hiding but something was off. I took the castle out, which revealed white...