
  1. FrancisFloe

    Can I feed my Fish Earthworms daily and also as a Main diet?

    Is it safe to feed fish earthworms as a main diet? I don't think earthworms is a natural diet of fish in the wild but I have no choice because some of my fish won't eat anything other than earthworms like my tiretrack eel, leopard bush fish and flowerhorn they also do take bloodworms but it is...
  2. ChrissFishes01

    Feeding my Green Spotted Puffer an Earthworm

    I wouldn't usually consider this fish a monster by any means, but the way he wrecked this earthworm makes me think he may have the monster fish spirit, lol. I occasionally feed my larger puffers Red Wrigglers (earthworms), and decided I'd film it today. I had my tripod all set up, and was...
  3. amazontank

    European Nightcrawlers living in my aquarium

    I'm getting a shipment from uncle Jim worm farm this week. So I have to ask how can these worms live underwater for a couple months. I found couple dozen alive and living well from my last batch. Has anyone ever just let them live in an aquarium until the fish eat them?
  4. amazontank

    1,000 European Super Nightcrawlers

    So I ordered 2 lbs of European Nightcrawler Earthworms last month from Uncle Jim's to feed all my fish. I have some in a 5 gallon bucket and some in a habitat V worm bin. I been keeping them in my room and been using Uncle Jim's worm food & bedding. Things have been going great and all my fish...
  5. amazontank

    pipa pipa frogs

    I had a question about food ideas for my pipa pipa frogs. I bought at a bait n tackle earthworms, freshwater live shiners, fresh salt water sardines. Now I am nervous that all this stuff might carry diseases. Any suggestions/advice would be appreciated. I put the sardines in the freezer and...
  6. itrebebag99

    Feeding Black Bullhead Earthworms