
  1. Lo_mein.

    Electric Blue Acara Rectum Issue

    Any experts on EBA? I have a male EBA whose rectum looks unusual. I'm worried, he stopped eating and floating at the top, or sometimes face down. I think he is constipated but I've never seen anything like this! Best way to describe it: in the same day, looked like he had a yellow white tube...
  2. K

    EBAs suddenly very unwell- everything else in tank OK

    Hello, I have two 3 inch EBAs whose health has plummeted in the past two days. All other fish appear normal. 75 gallon tank, sand substrate, 78 degrees. 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 20 nitrate and ph 7.8. 2x EBA, 1 heckelii, 1 severum, 1 BGK, 7 Congo tetras, 1 jewel cichlid. All are juveniles except...
  3. M

    Electric blue Akara

    eba beauty