electric blue acara

  1. B

    Can you help me sex these eba

    I got these 4 eba about a year ago and I’m trying to figure out what genders they are
  2. W

    Larger schooling fish to go in my tank cichlid tank. And do i add more cichlids ??

    I have a 57 gallon tank currently with: 1 Adult Angel. 2 BN plecos. I will be adding: 1 Electric blue acara. 2 kribensis. And some kind of schooling fish. What is a good schooling fish that can live with these fish. I really like rummy nose tetras but they will be a snack for the...
  3. S

    150 gallon stocking ideas/advice

    Hello, New to this site, been keeping mixed community fish for over 20 years. Generally tropical south american and different catfish. I am upgrading from a 55 gallon (48" long) to a 150 gallon (66" long..weird dimensions). I've never had a tank this large and have no clue what I'm doing with...
  4. Lo_mein.

    Electric Blue Acara Rectum Issue

    Any experts on EBA? I have a male EBA whose rectum looks unusual. I'm worried, he stopped eating and floating at the top, or sometimes face down. I think he is constipated but I've never seen anything like this! Best way to describe it: in the same day, looked like he had a yellow white tube...
  5. Benthebassmaster

    Electric blue acara with angelfish

    I have kept my 2 angelfish (not breeding) with albino 4 albino corydoras in a 55 gallon tank and the tank is a little dull. I was wondering if I could add a electric blue acara. I have kept the fish for about 1 month.
  6. S

    Sick Electric Blue Acara

    Hi! About two weeks ago a friend of mine said that his fish was getting bullied pretty bad and asked if I could take him because he wouldn't last much longer. My tank wasn't set up/cycled so I added some of my friends gravel to mine and also used some bacteria supplement. The pH is stable...
  7. Longmayitreign

    What size can EBAs breed at?

    About four or five weeks ago I got six more EBAs because the ones that I already had were males. I live in Toronto and I couldn't find any for a while (apparently the biggest local breeder stopped or something), so when I found six of them I bought them immediately. I put them in a quarantine...
  8. Irecruitfish

    For Sale  Several fish for sale(Silver arowana, clown knife fish, rocket gar, electric blue acaras and more)

    Not interested in trades Redtail Rainbow shark fish - $25 Dolphin Moori African cichlid - $35 African Leaf fish - $70 14" Silver Arowana - $150 16" Clown knifefish - $125 Rocket gar freshwater barracuda - $80 2 electric blue acaras not sure if one is male and female...
  9. Iamfish

    My Eba

    Just sharing this great shot of my lovely female Eba.
  10. O

    Acara won’t lay eggs!!

    I have 2 EB Acaras 4”&6”, one 10” Oscar, a school of 11 guppies, two 3” yo-yo loaches in a 120 gallon tank. Water parameters are very good other than hard water, light is on 12hrs per day, water is 80 degrees. There are turtle shell fragments, and a couple of pieces of a coconut in there that...
  11. Wyvlen

    New fish, new problems?

    I've sadly had to rehome a few of my fish, but I think in the end it made life better for everyone in the tank. I took my Rainbow Shark to a locally operated aquarium/fish store after speaking with them, and they said they could take him. Here's to hoping someone gives him a good home! My...
  12. RubyRuby234

    My New Electric Blue Texas Cichlid!!!

    Say hello to Turquiose!! She is my new Electric Blue Texas Cichlid!!! She is beautiful and a little stinker! My other fish were following her all day yesterday it was so cute! She ate right away, and seems to be fitting in well with a sub group of my fish in the tank! So happy!! Happy Birthday...
  13. Wyvlen

    good tank mate for an electric blue acara cichlid?

    I recently had to make some adjustments to my tanks, mainly because there was a bit too much bullying going on and not only was my angelfish stressed- so was I. Haha. The barbs were an annoyance to the rainbow shark and he was constantly flaring, and the acara did not appreciate the angelfish...
  14. overdrive

    Well that explains a lot

    I couldn’t figure out why one of my electric blue Acara was hiding in the corner all the time, even though the two I bought were getting along so well (together and with the other fish) previously. Turns out there are little eggs laid all over the ornament she’s been hovering over the last few...
  15. RubyRuby234

    Oscars digging and breeding behavior

    I cleaned the tank and moved some things around. Well two fish that shall remain nameless were unhappy with my design and south to fix it! Sassy girls!!
  16. RubyRuby234

    Ruby and Opal hard at work!

    I cleaned the tank and moved some things around. Well two fish that shall remain nameless were unhappy with my design and south to fix it! Sassy girls!!
  17. RubyRuby234

    Picture Perfect

    The title says it all.. Here’s a link to a little video of my tank I just posted today, so it includes my newest addition!!! Check it out! Thank you to everyone who likes and comments on my posts here. I appreciate all the feedback and advice, I don’t have any friends or anything in the hobby...
  18. RubyRuby234


    This is my sweetheart sapphire!! Who was up until today the smallest and youngest of my baby girls! She was so so sooooo shy for the longest time but recently she’s found her place and has even been seen chasing my other fish around too!!! She is in my opinion a living work of art, and a tribute...
  19. RubyRuby234

    Dinner time

    My hungry girls are wanting their pellets with the remaining goldfish they haven’t eaten behind them.. apparently I am running a restaurant where you just order what you want when you want.