elephant nose

  1. C

    New tank questions

    Hi, I just bought a new 55 gallon tank yesterday and I am very excited about this second tank. But I need advise on two things: 1) I have got two severums for the new tank - one turquoise and another red spotted. Any chance that they might breed in a small tank like this? 2) Seems I have...
  2. S

    Senegal bichir tank mates?

    I know this has been asked already, but I wanted some fresh opinions. Could a senegal bichir do well with maybe an elephant nose, african brown knife, or african cichlids? Please answer!
  3. J

    Possible conflicts among fishes

    Hello, I would like to know if there would be conflicts among fishes and which ones might not be compatible. The water parameters can be maintained to suit all listed fishes. Upper part: Pantodon buchholzi - african butterfly fish Middle part: Apteronotus Albifrons - black knife fish Channa...
  4. Angelphish

    BGK Compatibility

    I purchased an elephant nose from my lfs yesterday, the only problem I have with him is the fact that it won't eat its blood worms, but that is beyond the point (though I would be open to suggestions). I plan on purchasing a BGK later this year. I have a 8' x 2' x 2' 200 gallon aquarium.
  5. S

    What genus/species is this "Elephant nose knifefish"?

    It was sold to me under the wrong name, and unfortunately can not find anything but the more black colored Elephant nose Kinifefish. This guy has more brown mottling. I will try to get a better pic. They are going for about $35 at a local shop in Southern California. Thanks, Shane.