
  1. AdamH

    My new Purple Wolf Fish (some ID help needed as well)

    I was was able to purchase one of my dream fish, the Erythrinus Erythinus, though this specimen was specifically labelled Erythrinus sp.Purple and I just wanted to check which she is (again I think it's a she based on her top fin not being that long). Also, what an amazing fish regardless of...
  2. neko1

    erythrinus/rainbow wolffish size?

    Hey I have a rainbow wolffish about 14cm. She is already quite old i believe and doesnt seem to grow anymore. Online it said that rainbows get to 20/25cm, which is quite a difference compared to 14cm. Any keepers of rainbow wolfish that can tell me the size of their rainbow?
  3. neko1

    red wolffish

    hey my snakehead killed himself by jumping through the lid. So a few days after that i got a red wolffish that was already in a store for half a year. He seems to do fine but he is very skitisch and hides the whole day. It has only been 2 days but does someone have some tips to get him out of...
  4. Krismo962

    Wolf compatibility

    Which one would do well with bichirs? (bichirs in question are 7-10")
  5. E

    Wolf fish compatability

    Picked up a 265g the other day, 7'x2'x2', going to be housing some bichirs, a florida gar, a lima shovelnose, a female parachromis motaguense, and possibly a spiny eel, something like a dayi. Could a red wolf fit into this mix? Red wolf would end up being the smallest fish in the tank, and most...
  6. FishBeast

    My Erythrinus erythrinus

    Hello! Wanted to share a little video of my red wolf. Got him off eBay for about $70. Quarantined for a couple of months in a 10G. Now in a 29G by itself until I figure out if I want to mix him in with my polys... The video is from April, since then he has put on maybe an inch? I feed him...
  7. Ichthyophobic

    Red Fin Wolf Fish in 44 gal. Pentagon Tank?

    So, I have an empty 44 gallon pentagon corner tank and I have been itching to get a Red Fin Wolf Fish (erythrinus erythrinus). Dimensions are in the picture. I see that many people keep this species in a 40 breeder so I was wondering if my corner would be adequate for life, if not I can always...