Hi everyone, today I’d like to know what everyone’s favorite fish for different tank sizes (With Their Standard Dimensions) is. Pick only 1 fish type per size, but if you would like to say what else you like to keep with them in that sized tank feel free to. Also, the size doesn’t have to be...
Thinking of getting a large group of tetras, looking for a species that maxes out at around 2-2.5 inches and schools well. What’s everyone’s suggestion or what’s your favorite ? This stock will be for my current 125g setup
I like a lot of fish. Just making this post to see what other people like.
Me- my dream fish (or top 5) would be:
1. a pond of butterfly koi (to me they look like dragons with their whiskers and long flowing fins)
2. broadtail ryukin (I love them, they're adorable, but I already have plans for a...