I have been trying for the past week to transition my spotted gar to pellets. When he finally ate some everything seemed to be going well. Hours later I noticed he had regurgitated all 4 carni sticks that he ate. Now he has stopped eating them. I try to wiggle them with a fishing leader, he...
I have had my spotted gar for about 1 month. He lives in a 6 feet 200 gallon tank at ph 7.0 and 23 degrees C. He is currently 9 Inches long and on a strictly feeder fish diet. I am now trying to get him to onto pellets and prawn meat. Currently with no success. He has not eaten for 2 days and I...
This is Eddie. Eddie the eagle.
It's my first snakehead (channa coccinea sp. ignis) and after the first few days i'm a realy big fan.
At the second day after i got him, i fed him a wax moth with tweezers. I din't even get near to the surface, eddie jumpt out of the water and snapped it of the...
Hi there!
After keeping and breeding with C-A Cichlids for 6 years (and one of my 180x50x50cm/450L (125gal) aquariums becoming available) I decided to change it up and bit and go for Chana sp. One of the wholesalers had Channa pulchra (wildcaught) on the list so i took the opportunity to order...
hi so i just got some new fish i’ve owned all of these same types in the past but never as baby’s so im not quite sure what to start feeding them, how much how often etc… i have 2 atlantic and 2 indo tarpon, 3 arowana, 3 arapima, 2 barramundi, 2 giant carp, and 5 pacu would i need to feed them...
i just recently got two baby arapiama’s about 6 days ago ones about 2.5-3 inches other is around 4 and i haven’t been able to get either to eat they’re in a 50 gallon long with two bichirs i’ve tried cut shrimp, cut tilapia, ghost shrimp, guppy fry, blood worms, larva, pellets, and krill they’ll...
Looking about SH often feed, I read most feeds every 2/3 days a week. even the seller who sell snakehead who I buy from also instructs feed 3x/week.
is there a reason why comparing to other fish that feed everyday? bichir, gar, and other fishes.
I spot that if juvenile, daily. if adult(above...
My wife’s Flowerhorn (2 years old and 8” long) got ich about three weeks ago and while we cured her of that with a strong salt treatment (3 lbs per 100 gals per Duane’s suggestion from an old post) she has stopped eating altogether. She probably hasn’t eaten in about three weeks or more.
I've had my gator gar for about 1 year already. A couple of weeks ago, I noticed it would spit out everything I gave it. I figured it might just be full. I've been trying to feed it every few days to see if it would start eating again, but the behavior has not changed. It's been almost two weeks...
I wouldn't usually consider this fish a monster by any means, but the way he wrecked this earthworm makes me think he may have the monster fish spirit, lol.
I occasionally feed my larger puffers Red Wrigglers (earthworms), and decided I'd film it today. I had my tripod all set up, and was...
Today is my Aro's third day. I gave him small pieces of prawns. He took it in his mouth and threw it outside. I tried giving him Hikari pellets too but he did the same then as the prawns. How much time will it take him to eat the food?
I’m planning to switch to New Life Spectrum Thera A to feed several of my 5-6” upper jaw bichirs. Right now I’m feeding them Hikari Sinking Carnivore Pellets and the pellet size is just perfect for them. Since I’m planning to purchase online, and didn’t want to make the mistake of getting a...
Can anyone tell me how fast a Jardini is supposed to grow? Does it grow slower than the Asians? I know it grows slower than the silver. I want to make sure that I am providing it with enough food to ensure proper growth.
Hey guys, I have been pondering.
we started a home compost for vegetable waste at home, all natural, no chemicals. I have observed that it attracts a lot of soldier flies. And when in season, the eggs hatch and there are hundreds of larvae that explore outside the compost dump too. Would it be...
I live in southeast asia and multiple species of small crabs are available. I was wondering if I could feed them to my monster fish. RTC, nile perch, gar, arowana, arapaima, fresh water stingray rays. I know that crayfish are nile pearches staple diet so I wanted to supplement them with c
Hello, I am deciding between a golden wonder killifish or a rainbow cichlid for my tank, so far I might get a golden wonder due to the personality, color, and the fun of feeding it, however, I want to know what the best foods are to feed these fish, right now I have tetra mix flakes and blood...
Good Afternoon All, I recently obtained a Jardini Arowana. He/She is currently 7in-8in and I had some difficulty feeding it pellets (Hikari Floating Pellets and Hikari Massivore). The Jardini will take them then chew it up then spit it out. THen will go back and chew it and spit it up again...