fin rot

  1. D

    Fin Rot L095

    I just got this Pinecone pleco shipped to me on Thursday. I did notice a couple of spots on his tail fin but this looks worse today. Is this Fin Rot? If so what’s the best route to treat it? Right now it is in a 75 gallon tank that I got with other fish from this shipment. Them and 1 other...
  2. D

    Baby Oscar fin rot?

    Just picked up two Oscar’s yesterday and this one was so sad looking that I felt like he needed to be rescued. I am thinking he has fin rot and possibly some sort of fungal infection? What’s the best treatment? I dosed Melafix today but I want to make sure I go with the most effective method...
  3. C

    Help for my fish with frayed fins!

    So in my 180g tank I have 2 red spot Severums 2 blood parrot cichlids and 8 polar blue cichlids. I’ve noticed lately that both the red spot Severums and blood parrots have slightly frayed fins that almost look like they have worn away a bit. But after a short period of time they repair and look...
  4. Jjiang00

    Is this fin rot?

    Hi, i introduced some datnoids recently that created an ich outbreak and through treatment with ich-x everybody seems to be getting much better. However, I just saw this on the arowana, who has been eating voraciously 2 times a day until his belly is plump, and am wondering if this is fin rot or...
  5. Blakewater

    Beta Fin Rot/Fungus Help Por Favor

    I have a close acquaintance who's had a Beta for around 4 months now in a 3gallon tank at 76 degrees and does have a running filter. Around a month ago it started growing a type of fungus on the base of its tail fin. At first I suggested doing frequent water changes and adding salt. This did...
  6. S

    Oscar fish has white outline around its fins.

    I have two albino oscars in a three foot tank. They are around 10-15cm. They have a white layer around their fins. They eat normally. Very active. Could this be fin rot?
  7. J

    Oscar fin problem.

    My long finned oscar has damage to his right fin. Sorry best picture I could get. Just did a water change. Conditions are all optimal. He has energy and appetite but is very pale. I dosed with pimafix as it looked to me like possible fungal infection. Not sure the cause but possibly my Bichir...
  8. Bonytang

    zacco, fin rot + new treatment

    Few shots of the zacco with a little fin rot in the new 40g nano community in the works.. - zacco - goldie - opsarichtys evolans - t barb - spinibarbus denticalus - 2 x clown loach Noticed the tail rot a few months ago & used magna salt & helped quite a bit. With the nano tank I haven't used...
  9. O

    Help my leopard pleco

    so I recently reieved a leopard pleco on the 20 of January, his precious owner took terrible care of it , water was terrible, she gave me the whole set up with heater everything , I scrubbed the tank and equipment for 2 hours , and gave him a new home , however it turned out the heater wasn’t...
  10. R

    Black Ghost Knife Fish - Split Fin?

    I recently bought a BGKF and the long fin below has a few splits in it? I bought it like this and it was in a bit of PVC pipe when I selected it - I have ordered a few hideouts for my fish who hide - but is this a normal occurrence in BGKFish or could this be a condition eg fin rot? please help...
  11. O

    Trimac fin rot

    Hi all I am looking for some advice. I have purchased a trimac and his fins all have area's missing from what I assume is some sort of rot, also his colour is way off I know he has just moved in to a new tank so he's bound to be stressed which is expected but he has brightened up a lot but still...
  12. R

    Help Oscar Fin Rot..

    Okay i have 2 Oscars. They are under 6in so i had them in a 55 by themselves. ( Yes i have 120 not set up yet for when or if they get larger). Anyway i bought a 3in channel cat for my pond but figured id grow it out with the os in the 55 for the winter and then it would be in the pond 500 gall...
  13. E


    He has been losing pieces of his tail/fins everyday I thought he was being bullied so I separated him but he keeps losing more chunks of his tail. PLEASE HELP.
  14. AG458

    Is This Fin Rot?

    So I noticed that the dorsal fin and tail of my common pleco seem to be torn on the edges. I've seen other threads describing similar symptoms with other fish. I'm not sure if he's getting picked on or if it's how he moves against my decor, and I'm also not sure if it's something I should worry...
  15. T

    silver arowana in bad shape?

    hey i bought a baby silver aro very resent from my LFS and i guess he in in very bad shape, his barbels have nicks in them, his tail fin is in bad shape. but i am most worried about his pectoral fin because it has holes. his about. 3 inches would it heal soon??? i dont know if you can see it but...
  16. MikeGuerra


    2-3 weeks ago I put good fish in my tank to see how the water is in my 125 just set it up about a month ago. They did great so I got a silver aro a Florida gar and a CK but the past few days all the gold fish got cloudy eyes and a white film on parts of there body and also looks like some fin...
  17. S

    Pleco with fin rot and a parasite infestation!!

    Hello MFK community!! I'm surprised I'm here talking about my pleco out of everyone having a problem ( considering I'm constantly frantic about my bichir even when there's nothing wrong with lol.. ) I'm afraid he might have a mild case of fin rot I've never seen his sailfin so see through!! It...