
  1. SpinalTea

    Rough housing or disease causing fin problems ?

    I've fallen out of the hobby a little bit and can't remember everything off the top of my head anymore- does this look like an incoming tank-wide illness or some roughhousing ? I'll be taking a bit of water in for a check tomorrow. The first photo is of the smallest bichir that is prone to some...
  2. A

    Flowerhorn Fins are Fading?!

    Hello, So I recently came back from a 2-day vacation and my flowerhorn looks different. I noticed the kok seemed to be fading along with the fins. She seems to still be eating well and no loss in activity. The only thing that has changed is the color, the kok seems to be gaining back it’s color...
  3. PGJE

    convicts breeding or fighting?

    I recently got two small convict cichlids. The male is always attacking the female, and she has some small bite marks on her tail. The person at the pet store told me the male was trying to breed with the female, but I found it strange that he would bite her fins. :( Help please!!!
  4. R

    My African Butterfly fish's fins are falling off after he jumped out of tank.

    So I went to bed last night around 11pm and woke up at 2am to see my ABF on the floor, I don't know how long he had been there but when I picked him up he moved slightly so i put him straight back in the tank. He seemed to start recovering and breathe well. This morning I woke up and he is doing...
  5. G

    spots on aro fins

    Hi. Would like to check if anyone here has experienced having these spots on their aros ? theres a red spot with a white spot in the middle. It suddenly appeared on the base of the fins of my aro ... any idea what this is ? is this the start of an anchor worm ? i thanks !