• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

fire mouth

  1. Whoisjaime

    Fire mouth Breeding 180gallon monster tank

    Just wanted to share a little about about my Firemouth Cichlids. After about a month in my 180 gallon tank we had our first batch of fry that are now swimming freely. Will be moving them and sharing their phases of growth over time in a 10 gallon breeder tank. Please feel free to ask any questions!
  2. F

    120 Gallon Stocking

    Hello Everyone, I recently got a 4x2x2 (120g/450l) And i'm not sure what to put in it. I have a firemouth cichlid that has to go in it but i dont really want a "community tank" so to say. My ideal stocking would be 2: Firemouth 3: Pictus Cats 1: Firemouth 1: Oscar Tbh i really want a large...
  3. D

    Firemouth and blue acara

    I currently have a young Firemouth in a 40 gallon breeder, I am going to add a second one in good time and I am wondering if I will be able to add any blue avatars or something like this to the tank?
  4. Jacob6556

    Will this tank setup work? Opinions needed!!

    So this is a follow up from my last post for a great stocking idea for my new 60 gallon tank! My tank has two rock caves, a pot, and two pieces of drift wood. I also have a large filter under the tank and a power head to provide a good current in the water. So my stocking idea I got from my last...
  5. D

    Overstocked 55 Gal ~ Ca/Sa Mix

    I'm looking for some advice on my first Cichlid Tank. I've currently got a standard 55 gal aquarium 4ft x 1ft x 1.5ft (H). Its a planted tank, currently housing 6 Congo tetras and will need to house a 5-6 inch Rainbow Shark. The shark is pretty quick and aggressive so it should fit in with...
  6. A

    Green Terror tank mate suggestions?

    Hello, I am looking for some suggestions for potential GT tank mates, Gold Saum variety. My tank details are as followed: Brand - 55 gallon Ciano Measurements - 40”L x 15.5”W x 24”H Filteration - Fluval 406 External Filter My GT seems to be the odd relaxed one. He’s currently in with...
  7. B

    Stocking a 125g

    Hello, I'm new to this forum. I have a 125g tank that currently houses a jack Jack Dempsey. I would like to stock it with other cichlids, I tried adding my firemouth wich is the same size as the JD but they fought too much so I removed him. I've decided to add multiple cichlids at once to reduce...
  8. cichlidfan77

    late night pic

  9. Lukashill

    My 125 gallon American cichlid set up

    Tank has been running for 4 months with all of these guys in there. 1 oscar 3 female convicts 1 jd (in on of the pictures you can catch him peeping spying on me) 1 male firemouth 1 (I believe male) green terror 1 turquoise severum I try to give many good sized caves. I do have a 75 gallon...
  10. RubyRuby234

    Picture Perfect

    The title says it all.. Here’s a link to a little video of my tank I just posted today, so it includes my newest addition!!! Check it out! Thank you to everyone who likes and comments on my posts here. I appreciate all the feedback and advice, I don’t have any friends or anything in the hobby...
  11. RubyRuby234

    Dinner time

    My hungry girls are wanting their pellets with the remaining goldfish they haven’t eaten behind them.. apparently I am running a restaurant where you just order what you want when you want.
  12. RubyRuby234

    Small in size... MASSIVE in attitude

    It is my pleasure to introduce you to the queen diva of my tank... the little 4 1/2” firemouth who picks on EVERYONE including my two 7” Oscars. She was my first cichlid I ever had, and I guess because she was alone for a little while she believes she’s a goddess and everyone should obey her...
  13. Jexnell

    FREE | Firemouth cichlid 3in | $0 | Vancouver, Washington | Pickup

    What type of listing is this?: FREE What are you trying to sell/buy/trade?: Firemouth cichlid 3in What are your prices?: 0 Where are you located?: Vancouver, Washington Pickup or Able to Ship?: Pickup Description: This is a very out going Firemouth. Got a bunch of baby cichlids together at the...
  14. A

    My fire mouth fish not eating food

    I just bought a second fire mouth fish to my aquarium but it don't mix with tank mates and it don't eat food too..please help meeee