fish dying

  1. D

    Fish dying off one by one in a 75G planted tank. Help!!

    Hi all, I started my new 75 G fresh water planted tank a few months back. After introducing a few new fishes, my Tiger Barbs and Denison Barbs became very lethargic. They used to swim all around and now either float on the surface gasping for air or stay by the heater or under the drift...
  2. S

    My clown loach is injured pls help !!!

    earlier today my clown loach seemed to have what looked like a punctured eye or a bubbled eye (right one).I had to go to work so i left him like that.when i returned to home i found that he banged with the lava rocks due to nervousness and injured himself around the head region badly. I...
  3. Terta

    Baby Oscars Keep Dying

    So I'm on my 3 pair of baby Oscars that have passed way When I find them they die the same night and there mouths are wide open like they gasped for last breathe They eat for first 2-3 days I have them and then not after that They only live 4-5 days I have absolutely no idea why Oscars die...