fish recommendations

  1. C

    New Fish for Community Tank!

    Hello everyone! I need advice on adding new fish to my 55-gallon community tank, which currently houses Neon Tetras, Harlequin Rasboras, and Bronze Corydoras. The tank is well-established with stable water parameters (76-78°F, pH 6.8-7.2, GH 4-8 dGH). It's heavily planted with Java Fern...
  2. Rell XV

    Large Predatory Fish Recommendations

    I have a 1000 Gallon aquarium that I was wanting to stock with Peacock Bass, but I am not able to get them in my area for anything that isn't absurdly expensive. I already have a 7" Silver Arowana enjoying itself in the aquarium, so I'm looking for something that can be compatible with Silver...