
  1. Jonatz_08

    FH Kamfa - Help me groom this Kamfa

    Hi Everyone, Hope you can help me provide tips in grooming my newly bought Kamfa around 1.5 inch ( 1 mo old?) . Can you help me what family/ID this kamfa belong ( is it GB /King Kamfa?).
  2. Jakobythebichir


    I obtained this flowerhorn 2 days ago from a dealer, he won't eat and has pretty much non stop had long stringy bead like threads hanging from him. As soon as I got home and reopened his bucket I saw some. Ranging in color from clear whitish to almost cream. Eventually he drops them and then...
  3. S


    My flowerhorn hasn't been eating for about 3 weeks now. She might be in depression but she hasn't been like this ever before, she has always been an active fish. In the initial stage, she developed a little protrusion below her hump through which some white material was sticking out. We then...
  4. A

    Help me identify the gender of my SB flowerhorn

    Hey guys I brought a SB flowerhorn recently. And I want to identify it's gender. It's been hard because it's a SB and I need some help..
  5. D


    Hey guys so I picked up this thai silk from a LFS quite a while back. Was pretty sure it was a Male and still is but his private area is concerning me. I plan to breed him but I'm scared he won't be able. I have other flower horn and their private area look nothing like it. From the side it...
  6. HybridFinatic

    Hardiest Central American cichlid?

    From your experience, what is the hardiest medium-large Central American cichlid you know of or have kept? I’m talking rock solid. A fish Resilient to diseases compared to others. A fish that is stronger than the others.
  7. HybridFinatic

    Best American cichlid pair/single male for 75 gallon?

    So currently I have 3 tanks. A 10g hospital tank, a 29, and a 40. As far as fish go I have several smaller south american grow outs and a 5 inch bichir in the 40 and a small flowerhorn growing out in the 29. Which I know for many on this site that is nothing. But Im almost 18 and a lot of...
  8. Tyson Dreha

    ID my cheeky little FLowerhorn

    Meet Daisy Graham He’s probably 5” long. Had him for just over 2 months now. The last image is the day I bought him from the lfs. He’s in a 60gal 4ft tank. Water params are all excellent. I feed him a varied diet twice to three times a day with 1 day a week of fasting. What sex do you all think...
  9. RounderRs

    My FH going crazy on foods...

    Hello, 2 weeks ago, I have got a Blue Malau FH, about 10cm ish. It is currently living with an 18~20cm long Bichir Senegal. The FH showed some aggression towards the Bichir at the start but getting less and less. I am feeding Hikari Cichlid gold and recently feeding some Grand Sumo Red as well...
  10. K

    Flowerhorn with big belly? Illness?

    Hello guys. I got this beautiful magma flowerhorn last Saturday. He was like shjt ( all black ) when I got him because he was bullied by a green terror. Anyways, It's been about a week and he seems to be doing fine but his belly is always big even if I feed him less. I wonder if it's normal and...
  11. Shaff1708

    can someone please identify this flowerhorn :) thank you

    I've received this flowerhorn from a friend. But it's been hard for me to actually determine what kind of FH it is. I thought it was a red magma. But i am not too sure about it.