
  1. rayoddballfish

    Ray's fishing thread

    Hey all, I'm an avid angler and recently am getting pretty serious into fishing. Started with freshwater and am now more intrigued about saltwater fishing. Want to use this thread to talk fishing, showcase my catches, and find a people who love fishing and monster fish :) Here's a nice short...
  2. B

    Largemouthbass and Redfin perch sick ??

    Hi fam, So I have 1 LMB he‘s roughly 1,5-2‘‘ and 3 european redfin perch 4-5‘‘ in a different tank. The redfin perch were shy from the start and wouldnt eat much. Which is very unnatural for them. And now the bass starter getting shy / scared and isnt eating. Sometimes they flash their...
  3. B

    Bass yawning and flashing

    Cliffs: had a LMB - he started yawning more and more - got flukes - treated and released - new bass , same thing .. Hi folks, this is my new account had an old one but forgot everything since its from 10 years ago. I live in Germany and finally managed to get a Largemouth Bass. I have no...
  4. S

    Sick Electric Blue Acara

    Hi! About two weeks ago a friend of mine said that his fish was getting bullied pretty bad and asked if I could take him because he wouldn't last much longer. My tank wasn't set up/cycled so I added some of my friends gravel to mine and also used some bacteria supplement. The pH is stable...
  5. jamntoast

    What's this on my crenicichla regani

    I think it could be Gill flukes or some other parasite, looks like its hanging from the bottom of its Gill plate.