fly river turtle

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. D

    White spot on fly river turtle

    Hey everyone, recently picked up a baby fly river turtle 4” in length. Has a little white spot on the right side of its shell. Previous owner has been treating with salt baths every other day. Overall very healthy turtle, eats like crazy. Just wanted some other people’s input who have kept this...
  2. P

    Looking for female stingray or baby fly river turtle

    LOOKING for female stingray to pair with 1 of my male rays or a baby fly river turtle! I have a 13 inch Datnoid as well as a 10-11 inch Datnoid I’m willing to put in a deal and possibly a 7-9 inch Tigrinus depending. Can text me if you have either and want to try and work something out...
  3. feeling2good

    For Sale Fly river turtle

    Have an FRT for sale. 7in carapace. Eating well and healthy. Had him for 2.5 yrs. Dm for more info
  4. V

    Carettochelys insculpta fly river turtle shell fungus?

    I have a Carettochelys insculpta fly river turtle for few months. It seem the shell has a white patch. May I know how to treat it. Eating and other activity seem normal. 1. Tank size 3ftx1.5ftx1.5ft 2. Turtle size around 4inch 3. Water parameter. 0ppm ammonia 0ppm nitrite, 0.5ppm nitrate. Tank...
  5. T

    Fly River Turtle

    I am interested in a 4 to 5 inch Fly River turtle and am located in South Florida. Anyone have one? Thanks :)
  6. T

    For Sale Legal FLY RIVER TURTLE

  7. Luke tomkinson

    The Fly River turtle biotope!!

    It has been along time coming but I have finally finished my 310 gallon Fly River turtle biotope, ive been waiting months.With lockdown my fish room being finished was heavy slowed down with online school and things but through the coming months I have finally finished. The tank is 7ftx3ftx2ft...
  8. deradlerskartal

    FRT Low Energy & sleeping all time

    Hey, A so cute FRT that I have her last 1 year, she is almost 15cm / 6" shell diameter. Last 20 days I added some big bichers and basses on tank and removed them last night. So last 20 days were so stressful with big new fish and some illness in same time. Lost some fish. Tank was like that on...
  9. Jush

    Want to Buy Looking for Predatory Fish!

    [PLEASE IGNORE THE REGION & STATE BECAUSE I'M BASED IN THE UK! PLEASE REFER TO "LOCATION"!] [ALSO PRICE BECAUSE DEPENDING ON WHAT THE FISH IS DETERMINES THE PRICE!] Looking for a whole host of new fish for my new upcoming system! Please get in contact with me if you have any of the following up...
  10. T

    UNDERWATER pond feeding of P Sharks, Arowana, Arapaima, Koi, FRT & MORE!

  11. littleg902

    Some Collection Pics

    For your enjoyment
  12. C

    Jardini in community pond

    Hi everyone! I'm new to MFK and would appreciate any and all help. I've read a lot of threads about keeping Jars alone as they are the most aggressive species of arowana. However, I've also read that keeping them in groups of 6-10 tends to subdue aggression. Can anyone confirm this? I want to...