
  1. RounderRs

    My FH going crazy on foods...

    Hello, 2 weeks ago, I have got a Blue Malau FH, about 10cm ish. It is currently living with an 18~20cm long Bichir Senegal. The FH showed some aggression towards the Bichir at the start but getting less and less. I am feeding Hikari Cichlid gold and recently feeding some Grand Sumo Red as well...
  2. E

    My Oscars a Pig

    I recently put an oscar and a endlciheri bichir in a 125 together, along with a few other cichlids. All of the other cichlids in the tank atm eat live black worms and shrimp, while i feed my Oscar and Bichir Silversides. Now the problem. My Oscar Never stops eating! After I give him a fish to...
  3. I

    Don't know how to feed my black ghost! Please help

    I got a new black ghost a couple of hours ago. I currently have him in a 10 gallon tank, hes about 3 inches and i'm planning to shift him into a bigger tank as and when he grows. temperature is about 26 degree Celsius. He is the only one in the tank as i was scared to leave any other fish with...