food quality

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  1. J

    Need recommendation on New Life Spectrum Thera A vs Algaemax as staple pellet

    Currently, I’m feeding 5 inch my flower horn NLS Thera A Large pellet as his staple daily pellets. I read in the forum that Algaemax is one of the best formula to ensure Flowerhorn get enough fibre especially when they are older. I was wondering if I can alternative my staple pellet between...
  2. Egemen

    What is a good food for Bichir.

    I have been feeding my Senegals variety of things but at the back of my head there is always a fear of not giving them the nutrients they need. I feed them frozen market shrimp and pellets but I realized that there is no specific pellet food for Bichirs. Is it ok to just feed them...
  3. N

    Golden Wonder Killifish Food??

    Hello, I am deciding between a golden wonder killifish or a rainbow cichlid for my tank, so far I might get a golden wonder due to the personality, color, and the fun of feeding it, however, I want to know what the best foods are to feed these fish, right now I have tetra mix flakes and blood...
  4. Blakewater

    Converting Fish To Pellets | Is It "Really" Worth It?

    In the fish keeping hobby, and predominantly in the "monster" fish keeping hobby, a question we often see arise with hobbyists is, "Do I put the effort and risk into converting my fish off of live foods and is it really worth the worry?". I'm sure most of us can agree that compared to "standard"...