freshwater fish

  1. R

    For Sale  6.5" Sumatra Datnoid

    6.5" Sumatra Datnoid Clean 4 bars. $180 Willing to trade for a smaller 3 bar indo datnoid. Txt: Nine096382448
  2. R

    For Sale  15" Jardini Arowana *Need to sell ASAP*

    Price to sell!! Need him gone ASAP!! I have a large 15" Jardini Arowana for sale. This Aro is strong, healthy, and king of the tank. Beautiful color all over, from head to tail. Feeding shrimp, tilapia, mealworms, and superworms. I need to downsize my stock to smaller fish. Please txt me...
  3. M

    For Sale  Freshwater Cichlid tank occupants looking for a good home!

    I am selling my freshwater system and the fish as well. My buiness is crazy busy and growing, my wife is a full time med student and our kiddo's are just too busy to spend any time with the system and I feel like the fish deserve better! Includes 125 gallon tank, large stand, 60 gallon...
  4. Dgmannn412


    So I think my silver aro may be developing drop eye. One looks straight at you and the other is always looking in a downward direction. It's only one side and the side that is dropped is still functioning it moves and it sees. Is there a way to fix it. Is it a reversable ailment. I was thinking...
  5. Dgmannn412


    So I think my silver aro may be developing drop eye. One looks straight at you and the other is always looking in a downward direction. It's only one side and the side that is dropped is still functioning it moves and it sees. Is there a way to fix it. Is it a reversable ailment. I was thinking...
  6. jonah h2o

    purple spotted gudgeon and "freshwater moray"

    didnt have in a tank together, had to get rid of the moray because he was an eating machine and dint like putting those nasty feeders in the tank also he started to get sick, he need salt in his water so I gave him away
  7. jonah h2o

    purple spotted gudgeon and "freshwater moray"

    DIDNT HAVE IN A TANK TOGETHER, had to get rid of the moray because he was an eating machine and dint like putting those nasty feeders in the tank also he started to get sick, he need salt in his water so I gave him away
  8. F

    November 3rd Current Monster updated stock list

    BELOW IS OUR CURRENT STOCK LIST~! WE SHIP VIA FEDEX & CARGO ! FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK FOR WEEKLY UPDATE ! 6" Nile Perch $125 ( THIS FISH IS NOW BANNED !! STARTING NOVEMBER 1ST 2016 ) 5-6" Wide Bar Silver Dollar $80 8-9" Wide Bar Silver Dollar $100...
  9. R

    How long can my African Butterfly fish last without food?

    So I went to bed last night around 11pm and woke up at 2am to see my ABF on the floor, I don't know how long he had been there but when I picked him up he moved slightly so i put him straight back in the tank. He seemed to start recovering and breathe well. This morning I woke up and he is doing...
  10. K

    Dace Agression?

    Recently I've moved back into my dorm with my 10 gal tank of dace and darters. 3 rainbow darters, 2 fantail, and 4 blacknose dace and 2 s. redbelly. Before they came home with me everyone got along well, and my dad said everything was fine when they were with him. They did go through a...