
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. B

    Parachromis Spp. ID

    Hi all first post here. Attached is an image I took of my pair of parachromis spp. The female is above the male in the picture (she is around 4-5 inches currently and he is probably 10-11 inch) I bought them separately and they have not spawned as of yet, however spend all of their time...
  2. P

    For Sale 5 parachromis friedrichsthalii

    2"-3" each
  3. stiker

    Parachromis Multifasciatus (formally Friedrichsthalii) Growout

    Excuse the horribly footage not sure why the lighting made some appear white. Assuming the largest is a male and is around 3 inches. Not sure on sexing them assuming they need to still grow more. I was in their tank changing some things around not long ago so colours aren’t fully showing
  4. nirmal

    New Breidohri and Freddy juvies ID confirmation

    Recently i ordered a couple of breidohri and friedrichsthalli. Its been close to a month and they are eating well. Now that they are about 2-3inches, im getting a bit doubtful about the ID, especially the breidohri. The breidohri seems to have red on the edges of the fins, which seems be...
  5. Aqua Nut

    Dovii, Jags & ALL Parachromis With GuapoteMel Meanest Cichlid Genus

    Today we go over everything Parachromis Cichlids with a very special guest, GuapoteMel. Mel has over 4 decades of experience caring for, breeding and raising every species in the Parachromis genus. He shares his secrets to success with all of us in this monster fish keeping 101. Mel goes over...
  6. isde02

    Friedrichsthalii rio Danto

    I was growing out a group of these guys last year around this time and ended up with one m/f pair. They were growing well and everything until I lost my male to a choking incident. I ended up keeping the female but without a male for her I decided to give it another try. So I'm growing out...