
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. T

    Florida Gar needing attention

    Hello, I picked up a 18” Florida gar from someone on Saturday evening. It was in a heavily stocked tank, big arowana’s, datnoids, small RTC, flag tail and some wide bar dollars. The wide bar dollars had red at the edge of their gills. The gar has red all between his scales, I will attach a few...
  2. J

    Single Florida gar or in a group?

    Is it better to keep a single Florida gar or keep them in a group? And why? If in a group, minimum how many would you say? Thank you!
  3. J

    Gar injury prevention

    I have been reading through stickies regarding this topic, but I'm interested to see what else to consider and whether there are new improved ways of preventing gars from injuring themselves in order to keep their spine and snout healthy. Thank you! Some things I have read so far: small gars...
  4. Cowturtle

    Keeping all 7 gar species.

    I’ve finally done it and got all 7 gar species. My Cuban and tropical just arrived from predatory fins. I’ll post about all their growth and lots of pictures and video links in this thread.
  5. B

    Want to Buy Marbled or short nose gar

    Please don’t message me about a Florida gar. I want a true spotted gar or short nose gar. 12” or larger preferred at price.
  6. T

    For Sale For sale aro, gar, severums, chocolatebichirs

    For sale - 18 inch black arowana- 80$ - 12 inch Florida gar - 50 $ - 4x 5-6 inch super red severum - 40$ each/150$ all - 8 inch chocolate cichlid - 40$ - 12 inch ornate - 80$ - 6 inch ornate - 40$ Going in different direction, for quicker response text me 20183504eighttwo Cat free with fish...
  7. J

    Boulengerella maculata

    I was wondering whether anyone knows where I could order some marble gar (aka Boulengerella maculata), a false gar, in the US. So far, it's out of stock at some of the common online retailers. Thank you!
  8. Y

    HELP weaning Florida gar off live food onto pellets/frozen

    Hi all, Any tips for weaning a juvenile Florida gar onto pellets/frozen? I got a tiny pencil of a Florida gar (4 inch) a couple of months ago. The dealer was feeding him guppies only. He is about 7 inches now and getting much thicker. He has a voracious appetite for guppies and will eat as...
  9. L

    Baby alligator gar curved back/tail, please help!

    Hey I need everyone’s help! I got a baby alligator gar 3 days ago and the first day he was fine I woke up the second day and it looks like his back is curved or arched. He is still swimming and fins are still working but doesn’t look like as well as before. I don’t know if he is eating or not...
  10. C

    Want to Buy Looking for gars

    Looking for gar to buy. Am located in Atlanta GA area Anyone know anyone who sells them around here? Would also be happy to take gar that have gotten too big off your hands thanks
  11. A

    Question about alligator gar

    Is anyone aware of the laws concerning captive bred alligator gar and being kept as pets in Florida or what kinds of licenses I need I have been working with fish for ten years now and monster fish for 7 I’m looking for one to put in a 15000 gal pond with some oscars ,one red tail and a paddle fish
  12. M

    Want to Buy Looking for Florida Gar

    Looking for Florida Gar anywhere from 8” and up
  13. D

    For Sale 17” platinum gar!!

    I have a 17” platinum gar up for grabs. Located in Charlotte North Carolina! Can ship! Text or call 704-330-3871. Open to offers!
  14. K

    For Sale Rock Bacu, Yareli Goonch, Florida Gar, Fahaka Puffer, Marbled Achara

    11-12" Rock Bacu $250; eats: Hikari pellets, tilapia, shrimp 10-12" Yareli Goonch Catfish $200; eats: Hikari pellets, tilapia, shrimp 14-16" Florida Gar $125; eats: Hikari pellets, tilapia, shrimp 4-4.5" Fahaka Puffer $75; eats: Hikari pellets, tilapia, shrimp & snails 11-12" Marbled Achara...
  15. Superlaz

    For Sale Melanistic FL gars 6-12"

    True Melanistic FL gars 6"-12". Four available. Miami, FL. Shipping or Pickup available. $600-$700ea 3057216881 text, I'm not on the forum often
  16. O

    Setting up tank new Gar owner,

    Hello I’m setting up a new 55gal tank for my little spotted Gar I have about maybe 6-7inches just need help on any must have stuff and help with general care, any help is appreciated!
  17. R

    For Sale Moving sale- Pick up only Hagerstown MD 21740

    **SOLD** 360 gallon (8’x38”x25”)Aquarium w stand and canopy- GLASS $2,000 Wolf fish- black, mala (many avail, several sizes) Tigrinus- 5-8” $175-$200 Jardini- Giant $200 **SOLD**Odoe pikes- 6”/14” Red pike- 8”/12” $75 Payara-5”/8”. $125 Bichirs- 4”-20”+ Several of each (laps, endlis, ansorgii...
  18. D

    For Sale Red gar for sale

    Selling my red gar. He is a little over a foot. Purchased from monster aquarium in NY a little over a year ago. Located in north florida. 300 obo.
  19. I

    For Sale hybrid rtc, clown knife, albino oscar, tiger oscar, red devil, african odoe pike, silver arowana, needle nose gar

    TSN x RTC 12-14”: $100 clown knife 14”: $100 tiger oscar 8”: $40 albino red oscar 8”: $50 red devil 5-6”: $40 african odoe pike 5”: $150 needle nose gar 6”: $75 silver arowana 4”: $100 lima shovel nose 6”: $60 text me for pics and fast response (510)798-2907
  20. xenacanth9

    Pond recommendations

    I'm setting up a ~1500G pond that I'm planning on adding fish to come summertime. Dimensions are approx. 10' long, 6.5' wide, and 3' deep, and I am planning on setting up a filter anywhere from 6000-9000GPH. This is my first real pond. Coldwater/temperate. I have some ideas, but wouldn't mind...