gar fish

  1. J

    Gar injury prevention

    I have been reading through stickies regarding this topic, but I'm interested to see what else to consider and whether there are new improved ways of preventing gars from injuring themselves in order to keep their spine and snout healthy. Thank you! Some things I have read so far: small gars...
  2. J

    Help! My gars belly is all red and he’s keeping his mouth open

    I’ve had this far for about 5 months now he’s been eating like a champ shrimp and feeder fish then all of a sudden about a week ago he stopped eating. His belly got these red lines and he’s keeping his mouth open all the time. I’m worried I might loose him if he doesn’t start eating soon. Can...
  3. Y

    HELP weaning Florida gar off live food onto pellets/frozen

    Hi all, Any tips for weaning a juvenile Florida gar onto pellets/frozen? I got a tiny pencil of a Florida gar (4 inch) a couple of months ago. The dealer was feeding him guppies only. He is about 7 inches now and getting much thicker. He has a voracious appetite for guppies and will eat as...
  4. F

    Breeding Gar fish

    I’m from sydney and I’ve have two males and a female gar fish at full maturity growth. They are legal to have here in Australia but they cannot survive in our wild habitat. So there are only a handful of us here that house them. Us as a small community have tried hormones so that they may breed...
  5. G

    Can anyone help with my gar

    Hi.. I have had George my gar for 10 plus years - he would very randomly bank into tank and I mean very rarely however the last few weeks it has seemed to become a regular thing he speeds up and crashes even has a little white on his nose - I also know they tend to jump he never did attempt to...
  6. B

    Want to Buy  spotted gar

    hi new to this. I had a spotted gar about 16 inches and we lost him with a bad batch of feeders..looking to find another one.
  7. S

    SEEKING ADVICE: New Tank (Fish Suggestions and Setup)

    Hi everyone! ? ? Since all of you are very knowledgeable, any and all help is appreciated. The tank is a roughly 43 gallon eurobraced acrylic (48in L X 13in W X 16in H). Planning to upgrade in the future, for larger fish. I have a sump setup, but I need advice on a lighting/heating setup...
  8. Jush

    Red Gar

    What is a Red Gar? Is it a species of its own or does it follow a spotted/ florida spotted bloodline with colour morphs? Thank you
  9. Jush

    Different Gar?

    Hi, I own 3 florida, 3 spotted & 1 alligator gar. However I have come across a melanistic tropical gar, what is a tropical gar, max size; etc? From a quick google search the tropical gar looks like a cuban gar with an alligator gar mouth/ headshape? But presuming theyre all their own kind? I...
  10. J

    Is it possible that an alligator gar can eat another gar?

    i have 3 alligator gar the biggest is about 8 — 9´´ and the two is about 5 — 6 inches. Last I saw them complete was around 8pm and an hour later my sisters boyfriend saw 2 left. I was wondering if it’s possible that the biggest alligator gar ate the smallest one or not? And the now smallest gar...
  11. P

    Spotted Garfish skin disease

    Anybody know what is happening to my gar? Can someone tell me the name of the disease?
  12. C

    Gar Behavior

    Hello MFK, First time posting but have used MFK as a resource for quite a while. I did search but could not find an answer to this as it pertains to my setup: My Gar (sold to me as a Florida, I believe it is a spotted) goes through periods of pretty aggressive glass surfing. Swimming top to...
  13. Erkan

    ID please

    Hi guys I bought a gar fish seller said that alligator gar but I think it is a spotted gar ((Lepisosteus oculatus) is it ?