
  1. S

    Fire Eel gasping for air and has white 'ulcers'

    Hi everyone, I have noticed my fire eel has not been eating and now it has been gasping or breathing heavily. I did a 50% water change just now, tests show 0 ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, pH 7. Tank has sandy bottom and PVC pipes and decorations for hiding. It came out of its preferred PVC pipe...
  2. I

    Arowana Gasping for Air at Surface & now upside down in tank

    Arowana started dashing across tank and started gasping for air at surface level. Lowered water level and added epsom salt dose together with 2 normal sized buckets of fresh anti chlorinated water & another air stone for aeration. now it’s lying upside down motionless, but breathing slowly. It’s...
  3. N

    Asian Arowana rapid/heavy breathing - NEED HELP!!!

    Hey guys. I've just moved my 2 years old Asian Aro to his new tank 2 days ago. He's been having problem with heavy breathing since. His new tank has these dimensions 72in x 24in x 16in. The tank is only 16in Height so it is not deep. I don't think the water level is high to cause heavy...
  4. W

    Mangrove Jack Struggling - advice

    Hi Guys, Recently got a mangrove jack for my 266L tank, although he struggled at the start he had settled in well. but around 3 days ago i noticed him gasping a far bit, along with my barramundi that was also in the tank. unfortunately in the last 2 days, the two of them have both died. Im not...