german blue ram

  1. O

    Ram cichlid tank

    Here is my 30 gallon ram cichlid set up. Just picked these fish up yesterday. They are all under an inch. Can't wait to watch these little things grow and color up.
  2. cichlidfan77

    pic and a little hide and seek

    I found you !! Now you count . Ok 1..2..3..4 some of my rams a rare sighting of my African knife he never comes out in the light
  3. Lars6

    My fish are dying, parasites?

    My German blue ram is extremely bloated and has lost all coloration. He never moves or eats now. He started acting like this when I introduced him to a new tank with 13 cardinals (who also don’t eat). As of one week later, 9 cardinals have now died off. I am thinking that it might be an internal...
  4. Mvrenko

    Ram tank-over crowding

    Hello, I have a 20 gallon ram tank with 3 angle ram (about 1 inch), 3 German blues (1/2 inch) and 1 Bolivian (about 3/4 inch). They are all fairly young rams. I am curious to know if I'm over crowding the tank. Just looking for some information. I have about 2 pairs in the tank as of right now...
  5. Pred-Finatic

    Blue Rams (Mikrogeophagus.ramirezi) Log

    Stopped by my local BAs yesterday to stock up on more food and plants. While browsing, I happened to see a really nice looking ram, so I asked to add him to my order. Brought the lil guy home and acclimated him to my 20 gallon breeder (which is currently housing my female GBR and female EBR)...