giant danio

  1. S

    Why do rainbow fish get killed by african cichlids but giant danio dont?

    I cant keep rainbowfish as dithers with African cichlids. I can keep them with south American semi-aggressive convict Jack Dempsy Green Terror and salvini but not African clichlids they always end up dead. But Giant danio can go with anything and do fine. Is it because of the speed? I Thought...
  2. Z

    Tankmate help!

    Hello, This is my first post to the MFK website, as I have been browsing for quite some time! I have two 55 Gallon tanks in my room, and a small 3.5 gallon planted betta tank. In one of my 55's I have about an 8" red texas that is rather aggressive, and Im in search of finding something that...
  3. E

    Festae Advice

    Hello, I recently acquired these two Festae which are currently divided in a 200G tank going through quarantine (they will remain in this tank for a while). The festae in the first 4 photos I was told was a female, which is what I believe due to the half black dorsal and the lack of spangling. I...