
  1. P

    Please ID whether Vittatus or Goliath.

    Need help to id this african tigerfish. The seller said it is Goliath. Thanks
  2. Tmthjnth

    H. Forskhalii / Forskhalii African Tiger Fish

    I've searched online about H. forskhalii and basically there aren't many information about this guy. I've read the thread on how to identify ATF. But someother source says that vittatus and forskhalii are almost the same. But from what i read vittatus can grow to about 70cm/28" meanwhile...
  3. Vulkan

    Back to MFK (ATF)

    Hi, just wanted to share some video's of my ATF. It been a while since I've kept monster fish but im back now. I currently have three 3-4" GATF and one small 2" VATF, i use to have 4 more, but they all died unfortunately due to some rookie mistakes on my part. Hope you enjoy. any tips would be...