goonch catfish

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. AquaScape

    4/5/22 Stocklist!! (908)634-0820 OR

    Goonch Catfish 2 inch- $65 Aimara Wolf 6 inch - $500 Piraya Piranha- 2.5-3 in -- $100, 3.5-4 in-- $125, 4.5- 5 in -- $200 Boesemani Hybrid Ray 5 inch- $400 Vittatus Tigerfish 4.5-5 inch- $200 Grade A Flowerhorns 4 inch- $125 Common Wolf 5 inch- $85 Cuban cichlids (Mixed size 2-4 inch) - $50...
  2. AquaScape

    Catfish $65

  3. AquaScape


    Arapaimas $125 Jardini $165 Bagarius yarrelli $225 Hybrid Rays $400 Vittatus Tiger fish $200 OR (908)634-0820 !!!!!
  4. Miks786

    Goonch catfish South Africa

    Hi guys, anyone from South Africa here that knows where I could find a Goonch Catfish?? TIA ?
  5. C

    For Sale WTB: Golden Dorado and Rays

    Looking to buy golden dorado preferably young about 6"+ as well as Rays of any size and any other badass fish text me anytime 508 209 8014 and let me know what you have! Thanks
  6. AquaScape

    Monster Fish! Golden Dorado, Goonch Cats & MORE!

    Goonch Catfish(Bagarius yarrelli) 3"-4" $65.oo Ea. 7” $200.oo Ea. Golden Dorado(Salminus brasiliensis) 2”-3” $65.oo Ea. Redtail Barracuda(Acestrorhynchus falcatus) 6”...
  7. jonah h2o


    saw this goonch on eBay! its decent size too. how big a tank is needed for these guys anyway, Ive seen some pics of big ones and I would guess a few 1000 gallons. hope to have one someday. I assume a lot of people on here would love to have a fish that was on river monsters! how rare are these...
  8. F

    Goonch catfish in cold water pond

    Hello all, I was curious about something. Since goonch catfish are considered cold water, cold they live in an outdoor pond in NY year round? Of course with a powerful aireator and a powerhead if neccesary. Is it possible or is it too cold?