
  1. Cichlids-r-beasts

    Getting back into the hobby, suggestions?

    Hey all, it’s been a while! After my Butti died, I got pretty demotivated and went out of the hobby for a bit, now I’m back. I’ve freed up both my 125g and my 90g so now I’m looking for suggestions! Although I’ve got a couple ideas in mind. 125 GALLON OPTIONS: 1. Convict “community”+...
  2. S

    Sexing green terrors/gold Saum

    Can anyone please tell me the sex of these two I've been thinking the one with the hump is obviously a male but my other I'm not sure if just a sub Dom male
  3. H

    Temperature for Green Terror (Andinoacara Rivulatus)

    At what temperature do you guys keep your A. Rivulatus? I found that its species profiles in many websites stated its temperature lower than most tropical freshwater fish, which is around 70-78F. I wish to keep Rivulatus but the ambient water temperature here is around 82-84F. The Rivulatus sold...
  4. BlueJacks

    FS- 7inch Green Terror P/U Haverhill Mass

    7inch Male Green Terror Selling because I have 2 males and they aren’t friendly towards one another. Willing to trade for a 5 plus inch female. $100 or BO
  5. J

    Potential Tank mate for Green Terror

    Hey guys, I have a male Green Terror/Gold Saum he’s about 4.5-5 inches in a 75 gal I was wondering if there’s any possibility of a tank mate for him. He in right now with two bristlenose plecos and gets along fine with them. I was hoping for maybe a female Festae or some Uaru. Any ideas on a new...
  6. A

    Purple Rose Queen Behavior

    Hi Guys!! I recently purchased a 6 inch Purple Rose Queen (male), along with a 6 inch Jaguar(female) and a 4 inch Terror(male). The 3 fish came from the same tank and live fine together. All my parameters are at level, it is a 60 gallon tank. The temperature in the tank is kept at 78-80 (f)...