grow out

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. J

    Advice on Green Terror for new American Cichlid owner

    Hi, I’m new to the forum and rather new to aquariums and fish as a whole. I’ve had cichlids for about a year and a half now. I had mainly Africans but due to me moving I’ve sadly lost all but 2 of my Africans due to the stress of it all (luckily they left a surprise behind them with 4 fry that...
  2. Matteus

    My little terds

    So I know that naming fish is for girls lol. But my wife kind of got me into it. Lol. I call these guys my (Bass) Terds. I got them on July.7 after seeing them 3 days earlier. At the time it was extremely hard to find any in my city. Every time an lfs would get them they would be gone in a...
  3. Troy1015

    4 VATF 1 GATF Growout Community

    Over the weekend my new 225 gallon 6x30x2 was delivered. It is now set up and running. Been growing out a GATF in another thread which has had its ups and downs mostly due to me wanting every predatory fish I like and trying to make it work. I came to the reality that if I want the ATF to...
  4. aztsm

    Green Terror - My new growouts

    So I had the opportunity to get these guys. Last thing I needed really. I didn't have the space so I picked up a 125 for them as well. So this thread will be the progression of both. I've enjoyed watching the grow out threads on here, so I hope to throw some good content of my own into the mix...
  5. B

    Dithers for Umbee growouts?

    I got some of rapps' "rio guatape" Umbee which I believe are gorrilus blues a while back. I have four of them (3.5" to 5.5") in a 135 with a 6" Rio mag that I just recently added. I did have them with some midevil growouts until they passed the umbees in size and began increasing aggression and...
  6. E

    2017 Growouts

    Picked up these 3 fish in the past month. The green terror has already gotten about an inch bigger when this picture was taken. Lucked out and got this good looking firemouth for $8, Gold severum is looking nice as well. Every few months i'll post updates on how they're looking!
  7. E

    2017 Growouts

    Picked up these 3 fish in the past month. The green terror has already gotten about an inch bigger when this picture was taken. Lucked out and got this good looking firemouth for $8, Gold severum is looking nice as well. Every few months i'll post updates on how they're looking!
  8. sunnysjourney

    Tigers update

    Decided to trade off one of my smaller ATFs because the other guy was constantly harassing him. Got two GATFs and moved the other guy over to my main tank with the bigger ATF. Has been 3 days and they're doing great! The GATFs, now in my 135, they're chomping on cut tilapia like there's no...
  9. Tyler_Wentworth_150

    call me crazy (I'm expecting it) new sa/CA grow out

    New CA and sa grow out set up :) 75ga standard footprint 1- red O 3.5" Rusty 1- albino tiger 3.5" Peaches 1- wild colorform w/ gold highlights 3" Bullseye 1- Midevil 2.5" Punk 1- JD 3.5" Curious George 2- Geo Surin.. 4" and 2.5" Laverne and Shirley 1- Savini 3" Sunny 1- Black ghostknife 7"...