
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. H

    For Sale 40G Breeder Setup + Misc Equipment

    Hello everyone - would like to start by saying if prices arent in your budget, by all means look elsewhere. 1. 40g breeder package- 17 3/4" x 36 x 16 3/4" marineland set up with 75g aquaclear HOB, eheim heater, white/blue led light w night mode, gravel substrate, 5ft python siphon, all...
  2. C

    Any guppy pros out there?

    I have been trying to establish a guppy colony in my 20g tall. I have it heavily planted with a dwarf water lily. Some apotogen. Lots of hornwort, anarchris, some ludwigia. Anyway lots of plants and a small castle. I started with just a handfull. 1 male and 4 females. I noticed what looked like...
  3. F

    ideas for 10 gallon no filter aquarium

    i'm doing a 10 gallon no filter tank ( where i use the plants to filter the tank) with a lot of fast growing stem plants grown both submersed and immersed. any ideas for what fish i add and how many. i want some brightly colored fish to contrast with the green plants (as i'm putting the tank in...
  4. H


    Hello everyone! This is an update post from my last one. I have sold some items but mainly revising prices. **** EVERYTHING LISTED PACKAGE SALE - $700 **** INCLUDING ALL EXTRAS Have owned everything since new, and all fish for years. Willing to sell fish and tanks separately, but MUST sell...
  5. K

    Feeder Guppies- M/F question

    MFK, I have a tank where I raise feeder guppies. One guppy has confused me-. S/he is slightly larger than the other females and has some subtle coloring. S/he is also more energetic (a "scared" fish that darts around a lot, more likely to hide in the back at times, the only one in the tank...
  6. W

    Cherry Barbs killing guppies

    Hi all. This is my first post. I have an 850L hardscape tank. I am going for a community tank and have about 20 rummy nose tetra, 20 cardinal tetras, 5 white fin tetra, 6 plecos, 3 bristlenose catfish , and 10 cherries (5m/5F). I got 4 fancy guppies today, and the female cherries have killed...
  7. ygwilliam

    Fish breeding rack

    So I’ve decided I want to start breeding fish for some profit so that I can make some money back from the hobby. I’m going to breed dwarf cichlids and I’m going to use a racking system all connected to one sump. In total the system without the sump is about 220 gallons. Would a 55 gallon sump be...
  8. C

    100-120 Gallon Paludarium Species List

    Hello, I am new here and while I have kept fish (African cichlids) in aquariums in the past I was hoping to start a new project, a paludarium. I have done some research on them and I am hoping to keep one that is relatively self sustaining, for example I was hoping to keep the prey for the...
  9. P

    Guppies keep dying-help!

    Hi all, I'm new to this fish keeping lark. We got a tank and added 6 endlers guppies a few days after getting it, as suggested by the pet shop. The fish died within 20 hours. The water tests showed raised nitrate only. We left it for a week before checking the levels again and adding another 6...
  10. R


    is it normal for my kissing gourami to chase and nip guppies tails? their tails have been split for a while and i thought it was my BGK who i’ve seen what i think was nipping but i never thought it would be the kissing gourami. what should i do in this scenario?
  11. R

    betta fish

    is this a normal thing for a betta fish to do? i have guppies in my tank as well as a black ghost knife fish and they seem to get on fine besides i saw one of the guppies nip a bit of the tail of the betta. he usually hangs out in the plants and comes out a lot more at night but he does...
  12. R

    Is this okay?

    I recently set up a freshwater tank - is having a red tail shark, a black ghost knife fish, a male fighter and four guppies a good mix? is there any problems with this mix?
  13. Z

    Guppy breeding help

    I got some guppies for breeding last month as an extra project and so my red belly piranha can have a nice snack once in a while. I was wondering if anyone could estimate how close my guppies are to giving birth. I know to look for a boxy shape and a darker gravid spot, but this is my first time...
  14. Randy West

    Breeding Guppies Questions

    I have a 29g with; EBA Peppered Cory Pleco 2-Platys 6-Guppies (2M 4F) 1-Fiddler Crab I made a diy crabitat from an open mouth wine jug. Im thinking of purchasing a atlantis crabitat so my question is this.... If i allow the jug to fill with water and put substrate in it will that suffice as a...
  15. S

    What are the best plants for guppy fry to hide in and where can I buy it

    It's hard to find good suppliers. Where is the best place to buy plants, or fish, or supplies? Is there any forum for fancy guppies that is still running?
  16. C

    Guppies itching. What do i do?

    Hi. Im new here and have read quite a bit about ich. My guppies just started itching off of tank decorations today (I only got the guppies 3 days ago) and there are no spots as of yet so I just wanted to make sure that it is in fact ich before treating. I'm planning on doing the temp raise and...
  17. cockroach

    Guppy Line Breeding Project Log

    I work at a small school as the science and English teacher. The upcoming semester we have decided to turn the science curriculum towards a project based theme. My bosses agreed to this and to getting a guppy breeding rack to do Guppy Line Breeding. The work will be split between two classes...
  18. The Dave

    A Guppy Having Babies

    This amazing high definition video takes an up close look at the miracle of birth. You will see a gravid female guppy ( technically it's a female Orchid Endler ) giving birth to her 37 babies. There is lots of information, supported by video clips, that I am sure will amaze even the most jaded...
  19. The Dave

    A Guppy Having Babies

    This amazing high definition video takes an up close look at the miracle of birth. You will see a gravid female guppy ( technically it's a female Orchid Endler ) giving birth to her 37 babies. There is lots of information, supported by video clips, that I am sure will amaze even the most jaded...
  20. The Dave

    The Breeding Displays Of The Endler / Guppy Hybrid ( amazing video )

    Hello everyone, I breed N-Class Endlers ( Black Bars) and Guppy / Endler hybrids. Does anyone here keep these fish? I have N-class Endlers in one room and guppy hybrids in another. When I have to cull N-class fish, I put them in my hybrid tanks, and the results are amazing. They are very...