
  1. Rghfor

    Pop eye / major cloudy eye Asian Arowana Major

    Eever since I got the Asian Aro it’s had issues (4 months ) , wouldn’t eat, acted stressed etc slowly pop eye and cloudy eye developed . Fresh water and salt seemed to solve the cloudy eye however it kept coming back this time round it’s back with a vengeance . Major pop eye and cloudy eye ...
  2. Iamfish


    Hello everyone, I have already posted a few times but decided it is still best if I introduce myself. I have been keeping fish for a few years but only knew enough to have a 55 gallons tank with a few basic fish in it. When I discovered mfk it inspired me to learn more about fish keeping and...
  3. R

    Howdy from the Windy West

    Howdy folks from Cheyenne Wyoming where the wind is always blowing one way or the other. By way of intro; I have kept fish only aquariums in the past, both FW and SW with moderate success, but that was many years ago. My last previous tank was a 110 gal SW stocked with wild caught specimens...
  4. F

    Hi everyone from Ozzy land

    Greeting all, I'm glad to find a community that has the same passion and enthusiasm as I do for aquariums.. I'll start off with my background, I've had fish tanks since I was a kid, starting small, upgrading and upgrading to large freshwater and Marine tanks. I haven't had a tank for about 3...
  5. Fishpony

    BlueZoo or Saltwaterfish.com?

    I Would like to order fishes online. The species I'm looking for or both available on the two websites but there is a price difference. I am thinking about ordering for saltwater because of the price and guarantee but When I order them it'll be my first and last from them so store credit will be...