help cichlids

  1. L

    American cichlid tank with a peacock eel?

    Wondering if my idea would work. I have a 95 gallon tank but it has a looot of decor so practically a 90 with an 8inch Red Devil, 3inch and 1nch firemouths, and 4.5 inch convicts and wanted to add a Peacock eel. Fish get along great together, I’ve had the tank for a year. Thoughts?
  2. Lawton C

    55 gallon stocking

    Kinda in a pickle here:mad:...I have a 40 breeder that houses a single firemouth. This fish is very aggressive to any smaller tankmates I have tried to put with him. I have recently moved and have an empty 75 gallon. I want to use the 40B for other fish and was wondering if a bigger tank and...
  3. Kingster


    So i was on aq advisor, I was just getting a plain bare bones look at a stocking Idea, went i added 4 bolivion rams, it said Warning: Your selected species may eventually require 128% of your aquarium space. You may need to deal with territorial aggressions later on. weirded out by this I...
  4. C

    Sick EBJD, Please Help!

    Hey guys! new comer here:) My electric blue jack dempsey is showing symptoms of being sick but I'm not sure what he has. He is living in a 125 gallon aquarium with 1 blood parrot - 3 inches, 3 angelfish 2.5-3 inches, a common pleco 7 inches, 5 zebra danios and 1 otocinclus catfish ( I haven't...
  5. Mbielek

    Need advice on new 65 gallon setup!!

    Hello, so ive recently purchased a 65 gallon tall. Its been running for about 4 days. New filter on it, but right away i put a filter pad from an established tank that i have running. I also added a bacteria supplement to the water. Plan to move the entire existing filter to this tank when its...
  6. M

    Discus disease? Please HELP!

    Hello guys, I have a few concerns I wanted to share about my discus. I currently have a 75gallon tank with 4 discus 5 angel fish(1 adult and 4 fingerling) and one terra and 6 small bottom feeders. My female discus has been sick for a few weeks now and I am really not sure why. I am doing...
  7. Aquatank

    Needed Help for Oscar !

    Hey guys recently I had went for a trip to the ball for about 2 weeks an for that time I left the fish tank to be taken care by my Cousin Sister and when I reached home I saw that my big tiger O's has got little bit of swollen top eye I guess that he and my FH had got into some fight. So guys...