help needed

  1. The Masked Shadow

    How do I prep dead manzanita for driftwood

    I just went to a relatives property. He has a giant Bigberry Manzanita tree, which is dead on one side. Since the tree is at least 10 feet tall, and very wide, I got to take around an 8 foot dead branch, and smaller ones as wall. Problem is, they have lichen on them. I don’t have a clue how to...
  2. Bich

    My 2 Severums. Beautiful but trouble breeding

    My Red Spotted Gold Severum and Green Severum have attempted to breed and laid eggs on 2 occasions. Both times, the eggs remain what I understand to believe as fertile and I make sure to have all perfect water parameters/water flow. I've heard they need a few rounds sometimes in order to get it...
  3. RocketGarStar

    We've all purchased fish that we regret - please help me with mine!

    I've had a 5 inch gourami sold as a "mystery gourami" by PetSmart for about a year now. Being the suspicious person I am, I looked up photos of baby giant gouramis, and bam. They look exactly the same. I had promised myself in my early years of tending aquariums that I'd never, ever make that...
  4. SolidSnek

    Predatory Fish for a 75 G?

    The Title says it any ideas, Tips, Average Price, Hardiness and Size Anything Does Catfish, Wolf fish, Bichir and Pretty much Anything that can be kept in a 75 Gallon [Id Rather have a Big fish than 10 Small Ones] [I currently don't own an Aquarium of this size but i am asking since i'm...
  5. Addi_13

    My New 9" Premium Red Tail Golden Arowana Not Eating!

    Hello Guys, I bought a new arowana on 22nd December 2017 which was transported to me by train and travelled for 40 hours in train. I picked it yesterday from the train station immediately after I cleared all formalities required by the railway department. As soon I got the...
  6. M

    LUNGFISH ILL-Museum of Natural History- please help, experts!

    Hello.. I am a research assistant in the ichthyology dept at the American Museum of Natural History in NYC. We have an aquarium behind the scenes, and we have 2 african lungfish, each in identical tanks. We have had them for years and there have been no problems until now. One lungfish is...
  7. Vikkram

    Stocking suggestion for my 240 gallon

    Dear Monsterfishkeepers, I have added below fishes to my 240 gallon (96 inch length, 24 inch wide, 24 inch height) Please advice me whether my stocking is acceptable. I know it's overstocked. But I love all those fishes. Kindly someone suggest whether I can keep all these fishes happy. Tinfoil...
  8. S

    New 300g CA (mostly) tank stocking suggestions

    So after about 8 years away from keeping an aquarium (I kept a 90 gallon aquarium with my father until I graduated high school), I have finally decided to get back into the hobby. I recently acquired a 300 gallon aquarium (dimensions - 96"L, 30"W, 24"H) at a garage sale for a steal and am eager...
  9. H

    Sexing Electric Blue acara??

    Can anyone help me in sexing this Electric Blue Acara? I picked it up at my lfs the other day and i would like to go back and get another of the opposite sex so I can eventually breed them! I've had a couple people tell me what they thought it was but some said male and others said female and...
  10. Addi_13

    Glass Thickness for New Aquarium.

    Hello Guys, I have a 16" Silver Arowana, Shortbody Flowerhorn, 2 Oscars, 4 Blood Parrot and few loaches in 150 Gallon tank. But as the fishes are growing up, I am planning to upgrade my aquarium to a 300 Gallon setup. The dimensions are 78 L X 30 W X 36 H. I asked my local...
  11. Ed204

    Gold Severum Growth Rate

    Hi there! I'm new to the site and heard that this was the place to go. Anyway, I have recently acquired a baby gold Severum which is currently 3 inches. I know that tank size matters when it comes to a fishes growth and that's why I have him in my 120 gallon with 3 BP's and a Fire Mouth. How...
  12. P

    Need help to recover my pearl Arowana floating vertical with head up and tail down

    Hi, I am having my pearl arowana for past 1 year and its always active. Today also i saw at 9.00 a.m it was doing fine without any symptoms of diseased, but when i saw it again by 12.00 p.m it was floating vertical having head up and tail down. I can see the eyes, mouth and gills movement. I...
  13. Mbielek

    Desperate for suggestions/help with cloudy water

    Hello all, so i had major algae bloom in my 75g tank that ive been battling for a couple weeks. It all started with me putting in an algae wafer for my plec to eat, and im sure because he didnt eat it all, it caused some cloudy water that i didnt like. With me being impatient, i took out about...
  14. koizilla714

    House my fish for 3 days

    Hello guys, so we will be having our house fumigated this month and i don't wanna risk my fishes dying. Will someone keep them for 3 days during the fumigation process? I live in Santa Ana 92704 so if someone who has extra tanks and near me please contact me at 714-6865656 for more information...
  15. R

    My African Butterfly fish's fins are falling off after he jumped out of tank.

    So I went to bed last night around 11pm and woke up at 2am to see my ABF on the floor, I don't know how long he had been there but when I picked him up he moved slightly so i put him straight back in the tank. He seemed to start recovering and breathe well. This morning I woke up and he is doing...
  16. D

    King Kong Parrot fish is new and very aggressive!

    I bought myself a King Kong Parrot this morning from the local pet shop, it was the biggest amoung a tank of six much smaller parrots (4-5 inches). The tank already consists of one Plecostomus, two Koi and one Angel. My Parrot is very agressive and im not sure what to do. It gets fed blood...
  17. X

    Beginner in need of help building a tank for Catsharks

    So recently I've started to gather information on shark ownership, and I realise I am not ready at ALL to own a shark. But instead of giving up I decided to get more information so I can own one and know how to take correct care of one. Since I'm a complete beginner in not only shark...
  18. koizilla714

    Help, What's this stuff?

    Please someone tell me what is this white stuff? It looks like a java moss, if o brush it off it will come back again. How do i remove this? Thanks in advance...
  19. D

    HELP: Hujeta Gar Tail Bitten Off

    Hi MFK, I am Andy from NJ. I have been lurking on the forums for a while but never posted before. So today I was feeding my tank when I noticed that my Hujeta/Rocket Gar was missing. I looked around the tank and eventually found him upside down in a plant. His tail and part of his body's...
  20. M@T!@$

    Stingray help?

    So I got myself a 9 foot diameter tank X 2.5 feet tall (1000) gallons roughly) (circle) and I plan on getting a motoro stingray and I heard people say that plecos might not be good to put in...just wondering if people have an opinion of either yes or no? I want to move him out of my tank which...