help tropical

  1. M

    Discus disease? Please HELP!

    Hello guys, I have a few concerns I wanted to share about my discus. I currently have a 75gallon tank with 4 discus 5 angel fish(1 adult and 4 fingerling) and one terra and 6 small bottom feeders. My female discus has been sick for a few weeks now and I am really not sure why. I am doing...
  2. B

    Help! Power will be out for 3 days!

    Hi, I am the Biology teacher for a small Montessori school, and I am in charge of running our four fish tanks. They will be working on the electric over the weekend, and we will have no power! What should I do for each of the following: 55-gallon Cichlid Water Temp: 76-78 Fish: Loach, rainbow...