heros notatus

  1. mattybecks

    Sexing heros notatus

    title says it all - they are 4 months old now, received as small distinguishable inchlings. They are quite expensive here so I only got two- hoping they are male and female. They have only just started to change colour, and a lot. Both of them equally. Not sure if you can tell yet which is male...
  2. mattybecks

    “New” 100gal stocking

    Hi guys Been back and forth a few times now trying to find the right kind of stock for my tank. 5ft 100gal tank. I now have 2 Heros notatus (about 2inches) 6 x geophagus orange head Tapajós (about 2 inches), and poly. Seneglaus. I know the hero’s can be a hit of a hit or miss in terms of...
  3. Alexxxxsv14

    Feeding video

    Here's a video of them eating cichlid sticks, I got a little of everyone unfortunately my chocolate was too busy owning his driftwood cave area to come out but I will make a vid of just him tomorrow. My sajica is really getting some nice colors I love it. The Severums have some battle scars bc...
  4. Alexxxxsv14

    New Home

    Here's a vid and some pictures of my crew in their new home. Starting to settle in again, stoked. This isn't permanent stock I will sell and trade as they grow and hopefully have my dream stock soon.
  5. Alexxxxsv14

    135g setup

    I will post progress here I still have to work on stand and make sure I have everything for my sump Never have I set up a pump so I will try my best
  6. Alexxxxsv14

    Sa/Ca Cichlids

    Here's a vid as of today Enjoy