
  1. A

    Help with Identifying the Illness for Kamfa Flowerhorn

    Hi, So i have a Kamfa F2 Flowerhorn since 1.5 years old which is going though illness since past week,but im very confused if it is Hex or anything related to Swim Bladder or just stress. Water change is weekly 40%. Have a Cannister filter and Heater in tank maintained around 28-30 C. I feed...
  2. Fishworks2015

    Treating Hex or Spiro

    Hey MFKers, I have been researching about how to treat Hexamita or Spironucleus and I have learned that it is effective to treat with Metronidazole and Epsom Salts. I plan to dose Metronidazole at 500 mg per 10 gallons for 7-10 days. But I understand temperatures affect the speed of lifecycle...
  3. H

    Help. flowerhorn hexamite infection x 2 months

    Its been 2 months my flowerhorn have not eaten and been pooping white. What have i done to treat the infection: - moved him to a small, 1 feet quarantine tank. - Stopped feeding him altogether - Metronidazole tablets( 200mg once a day) x 5 days with Daily water changes - I did epsom salt...
  4. A

    Metronidazole dosage for hexamita

    Hi guys, I'm going to treat my sick flowerhorn (hexamita/anal prolapse/appetite loss/weight loss/white poop) With metronidazole but i can't find a dosage anywhere. He is in a 200L tank, i only have human prescribed metronidazole as in NZ it's nearly impossible to get medication for fish. He is a...
  5. A

    Flowerhorn anal prolapse?

    So I've been having some issues with my flowerhorn, he hasn't been eating for about 4 weeks so I've been tube feeding small amounts once a day of hikari pellet mush. He is/was doing white and clear poop so i treated him with fumpid and he's a lot more active and some colour has come back. 2 days...
  6. C

    Flowerhorn head injury

    HI I was wondering if anyone could tell me what the small scrape or hole in his head looks like. Is it an injury or do you think hole in the head(hexamita). The hole is tiny, right in the middle under his black coloring
  7. A

    Flower horn bulged belly

    I have got a new 3-4 inch flower horn yesterday and it has a fat belly. He is very active though. Feeding him 6 xo humpy head pellets 2 times a day keeping 12 hrs gap. He was very stressed in the fish store. Does it have some bacterial infection?? Or just a constipation?? Your guidence is really...
  8. C

    |EMERGENCY| Severum Hexamita

    My turquoise Severum has a bad case hexamita and I need a step by step set of directions to treat him. At the moment I have a hospital tank already cycled. Your help is greatly appreciated.
  9. jmf

    Flowerhorn spitting out food and white stringy poop

    Hi My young flowerhorn isn't eating. He wants his food but just chews it up and spits it out. He also has white poop. I have tried treating him with metro, prazi, epsom salt in both the water column and food. He unfortunately was in a 2ft tank with bad water quality for a little to long whilst...
  10. T

    Flowerhorn prolapse?

    Does this look like a prolapse? I believe the fish has hexamita since he's had white string poo recently. He's stopped eating and has been lethargic recently, the last time he ate on his own was about 2 weeks ago. After a couple of days of him not eating I started feeding him through a tube...
  11. T

    Possible Hole in the Head Disease?

    I recently noticed a lesion on my Salvini Cichlids head. At first I thought it was just an injury from fighting but after a little research, I'm worried it may be the beginning of Hole in the Head (HITH). The fish still readily takes food and is behaving normally. The damage seemed to show up...
  12. raja

    Is this hexamita/hole in the head?

    I need some immediate advice, I don't know what this is, there are some white dust looking spots on my flowerhorns kok, it doesn't look like a hole though, it's as if he bruised his head but it's not,because it's been like this for about a week now, a bruise must have healed by now? I'm...
  13. M

    Parasitization Plecos in Quarantine

    Hi everybody how can i Parasitization my new plecos in Quarantine tank? These plecos will go in my Discus tank, therfore i could parasitization from Hexamita and other parasit before moving to main tank. can use metronidazol or some like product such as Seachem Metroplex for Plecos? please guide me