honduran red point dithers

  1. Hybridfish7

    Amatitlania color hybridizing

    I was just thinking, if you can't find a white sajica cichlid yourself, why not create one yourself? So, I got the idea of crossing a platinum HRP (to retain the blue and reds in the hybrid) and a sajica cichlid. The problem here however, is how the genes would cross over. I know the marbled...
  2. Hybridfish7


    I just fried my brain trying to see how these things would work and what I'm going to do... So my initial plan was to get a 20 gallon tank with a marbled honduran red point and some tetras. As for the tetras, I was thinking about getting either Columbian blue and red tetras or long fin serpae...
  3. Hybridfish7

    Thinking of getting serpae or columbian tetras as dithers, but can't decide on which

    Need some help deciding on whether I should get serpae or columbian tetras as dithers for a marbled hrp. I like them both equally. (quite literally, they're both pretty much the same, only difference being appearance, and serpae tetras are a little hardier.)